Chapter Ninety One

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*March 25th*
*Third Person POV*

It was a Saturday afternoon and the boys were all gathered in an abandoned warehouse. Serious expressions laid on their faces as they explained their future escape for the gang.

"How many men do we have so far." Harry asked the group of men, his dark emerald eyes scanning over the table as he looked at the men for answers.

Liam leaned foward in his seat to grab a Manila folder off of the table, one that contained all of the information that they have collected. He leaned back in his chair as he opened the folder, pulling out a sheet of paper before clearing his throat.

"Well there's about a thousand members total in the gang, and most of them want out. Louis and I have been asking around, most of the men said that if we do this than their with us." Liam explained, his voice stern as he looked over the paper.

"How many is that?" Niall piped up from the other end the table, blue eyes shining with curiosity and hope.

"About..." Zayn started, reaching over to grab the papers from Liam to check the numbers. "800."

The rest of the boys eyes widened as hope sparked in their chests, not expecting to find that many people this soon. All of the men could feel their freedom approaching with each day of planning, and to say that they couldn't wait would be an understatement.

The abuse and neglect of their so called 'childhoods' made it clear that if they ever wanted to have a chance at a normal life and a loving family, they could no longer be chained to the gang. Not that any of the men desired to anymore, for the money,woman and power that came with it stopped being enough a long time ago.

But even with all this good news Harry couldn't help that spark of doubt in the back of his mind. Doubt that none of them could ever be free, not as long as Isabelle, Louis and Arabelles mom, is still alive. He has no doubts that she would just find more men and start again from scratch, and once she has the numbers she'll be back for her revenge.

Harry decided to ignore the twisting feeling in his gut as he refused to let it ruin any of the boys happiness and high hopes. For he knows that if they don't go into it with confidence, they won't be making it out alive.

"We have to keep the element of surprise." Louis reminded the chattering boys, worried that word was going to escape to his mother, which would for sure ruin any chance of freedom that they had.

Louis felt bad about plotting against the woman that gave him life, but she was never really a mother to him, or for any of her children for that matter. It's clear that Isabelle only cares about her self, a trait that Louis is glad he never inherited.

"All of the men we talked to are with us, I'm sure that no one is going to rat." Zayn assured the brunette, knowing that he felt the same nerves that they all did.

This was a very dangerous game they were playing, one that could surely lead to death for anyone who was involved. They had to make sure that the only people that knew were with them.

But if this plan could possibly lead to their freedom that all men desperately need and deserve, than the fear of death definitely isn't going to stop them.

"Is Arabelle going to help?" Liam turned his attention to Harry who's head perked up at the mention of the girls name.

"She said that she would help in any way that she possibly can." Harry answered , feeling thankful that he had her in his life.

"Wait when is this even happening?" Niall asked as he realized that with all the plotting they've never set a date.

The room was silent as the boys shared glances with each other, trying to think of the right time to attack. If they did it too soon than they wouldn't be prepared, but if it was too far away than Isabelle could time put their plan.

"The first." Harry said after a while of silence, causing everyone's heads to turn to him. "It will give us enough time to prepare without risking getting discovered."

"We need to start thinking weapons. Make sure that you have a enough ammunition to last the fight." Zayn informed the men, all of them nodding in agreement.

"We'll need all the men fighting with us to get burner phones, that way we can tell them all of the details without Isabelle" Harry spoke up after a moment of thinking.

Suddenly Niall got a really bad feeling, like something bad was going to happen that none of them was prepared for.

"Are you sure we should do this guys?" He asked them, trying to see if anyone felt the same way he did.

The boys stopped talking once they heard the concerned tone in Nialls voice, knowing that he was never one to get scared like that. They turned to him with confused expressions once seeing the nervous look on the blondes face.

"Of course, why wouldn't we?" Louis answered with a chuckle, trying to lighten up the sudden dark mood.

"I don't know, I just got a bad feeling." Niall told them.

"Well everything's going to be fine." Zayn said, brushing him off with a wave of his hand.

The men went back to their conversations as Niall stayed quiet, the twisting in his gut not fading. He shook his head as he tried to brush it off, but he couldn't help but feel like something horrible was about to happen.
Sorry for the mess up in the format, something happened and the middle part wouldn't center.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. Please vote, comment and share. It means a lot.

Have a wonderful day

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