Chapter Eighty Five

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*March 11th*
*Nialls POV*

"Can you drive any slower? "I asked Harry, annoyed because we've been in the car for twenty minutes.

"Can you stop complaining?" Harry retorted, shooting me a glare before turning back towards the road.

"Hey, your the one that forcing me to do this. You brought it on yourself."I told him, shrugging my shoulders carelessly.

Harry and Arabelle has this marvelous idea of setting me up with Aras sister, did you catch the sarcasm?

I don't even know the girl and they expect me to just fall in love with her right when I see her, nevermind the fact that I don't date. But for some reason they've got it stuck in their heads that we're perfect for each other.

The only reason I agreed was because their my friends, also Harry threatened to pour out all of my beer if I didn't. What an a**hole. Plus if I go and they realize that I'm not interested in dating, they'll leave me alone.

"How old is this girl anyway?" I asked, not really feeling like hanging out with a teenager, I think that's illegal.

"She's about to be eighteen." Harry answered quickly, glancing at me. "I thought you weren't interested."

"I'm not." I told him truthfully. "But if you guys are going to force me to meet her I might as well know the chicks name."

Harry rolled his eyes with a scoff, probably annoyed at my constant complaining and sarcastic remarks.

"Your impossible." He muttered as he shook his head.

"Thank." I told him, flashing him a proud sarcastic smile.

I sighed as I looked out the window, wanting Harry to hurry the f*ck up so I can get out of this damn car.

"Why did you even agree to this, it's not like you." I asked him, turning to look at him.

He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment as he turned a corner, his hand coming up to run through his thick curls.

"I mean, I don't know. I'm kind of doing it for Arabelle, like most things I do. It's just, her sister is going down a very dark path and it seems to be effecting her, well their whole family really. And I might not know anything about family, but I know that Arabelle really cherishes hers. I just figured her sisters lonely and just needs someone. Than you came to mind when I thought of her attitude and sh*t."

I sighed as I felt a weird feeling bubbling in my chest at the mention of family. None of us in the gang knows what that feels like, well at least Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam and I don't. There's a reason for that though, one that none of us really talk about anymore, I'm sure Arabelle doesn't even know.

"Have you told her?" I asked, referring to the whole family thing.

He tensed up immediately, a sad look washing over his face as he shook his head, causing a deep sigh to leave my lips.

"Why?" I asked hesitantly, knowing that it was a sensitive topic and not wanting to start an argument in a hot stuffy car.

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