Chapter Seventy Four

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*February 29th*
*Arabelle POV*

I quietly walked up the stairs, after finishing an hour long heartfelt talk with my dad, I decided that I really need to talk to Sabrina.

My stomach twisted with nerves as I walked down the hallway, looking at the door with her name on it. Music was blasting from her room, some boy band that I didn't recognize filling the otherwise quiet hallway. I knocked on the door, waiting patiently as I heard the music turn off.

"Come in!" Her voice yelled from behind the door.

I swallowed my fears and wrapped my hand around the doorknob, quietly pushing the door open. She glanced up at me as I stepped into the room, rolling her eyes as I shut the door.

"I was hoping we could talk?" I smiled hopefully.

"Sure." She sent me a sarcastic smile.

I ignored her rudeness as I sat down on the foot of her bed. I played with my fingers as I tried to gather my thoughts.

"I'm sorry if my disappearance affected you, I didn't choose to leave. I would never intentionally hurt you like that." I stopped as my tears threatened to fall.

Sabrina was staring at me with wide tear filled eyes, causing my heart to ache even more. I reached forward, laying my hand on hers in a comforting way. I smiled slightly as she grabbed my hand, tears sliding down her rosy cheeks. I ignored the ache in my heart, knowing I had to continue.

"It hurt everyday, not being able to be here with you guys. My chest ached each time I wasn't able to pick up Brady from school, or bicker with you over what we were eating for dinner." We both laughed shakily, tears falling down both of our cheeks. "Every night when I went to sleep I would hope and pray that you guys were ok. That Brady was having fun in school, you weren't getting yourself into trouble or hanging with the wrong crowds, and that dad was handling everything with me gone. Not a second passed by where you guys weren't on my mind."

It was quiet once I finished, the only sounds being out heavy breathing as we tried to control our tears. I closed my eyes as Sabrina leaned forward, catching me by surprise as she wrapped her arms around me, squeezing tightly. I smiled widely as I brought my arms around her, hugging her tightly to me as I thanked god that I was able to be here today. I felt her bury her head into my shoulder, her tears falling onto my shirt, her makeup most likely causing stains but I didn't care.

"I missed you so much." She sniffled, further burying her head in my shoulder.

My body relaxed as I rubbed her back, rubbing my hand through her blonde hair. I couldnt contain the smile on my lips as i squeezed her tighter.

"I missed you too." My vision was blurry and we pulled away.

She grabbed both of my hands in hers, giving me a shaky smile as she laughed at her self.

"Look at us were a mess." Her eye were puffy as she wiped under them.

I laughed along with her, wiping my own tears from under my eyes. I stared down at the blanket as I remembered that I have to leave again. Fresh tears came to my eyes as the thought but I pushed them back, paying attention to Sabrina. I frowned once I saw that she was no longer smiling, a sad, thoughtful look on her face as she stared down at the blanket.

"Brina?" I said softly, causing her to lift her head up. I furrowed my eyebrows at her as she looked at me with a sad face. She sighed, shaking her head at me. "What is it?"

"You just seem different." She spoke softly.

"Different how?" I asked her, furrowing my eyebrows as she shrugged.

"Happy? Weirdly enough you seem happy, like you got something you didn't have before. Also you seem more mature, more grown up in a away. Like you've experienced more."

I pulled my eyebrows together, not understanding what exactly she meant. Was she talking physically? Or emotionally?

"Well I was kidnapped." I stated sarcastically.

"I'm not talking about that." She said seriously. "Your in love aren't you?"

Do I have the words, I'm in love or something written on more forehead? How come everyone keeps figuring it out after one single conversation with me? Sabrina must've known what I was thinking about because she nodded her head.

"It is kind of obvious in a way. It's just because we knew you before. You didn't have this glow that you do now and your smile almost never reached your eyes. Now it seems that it does effortlessly, and I know it's not because you got kidnapped. It's because you fell in love with someone during it."

I found myself smiling as she was talking, images of Harry flashing through my mind. I couldn't help but remember the times before we were together, when were both denying our feelings for each other. Things were so different than, everything was so new and scary. It still is, but now I have Harry by my side through it all.  He's no longer someone I fear, instead he's someone I love deeply.

"Who is it?" Sabrina wiggled her eyebrows, bringing me back to reality.

I bit my lip as a blush came to my cheeks, knowing what it was going to sound like when I told her.

"My kidnapper." I whispered.

She choked on her spit as her eyes widened as I bit my lip, trying to hold back my laugh. She was staring at me with a bewildered look, her mouth gaping at my confession.

"You scandalous b*tch!" She finally screeched, causing me to laugh loudly.

We both threw our head back in laughter,  the bed shaking from how much movement we were making. A knock was heard on the door, as we tried to contain our laughter.

"Come in!" Sabrina yelled through giggles.

A fond smile made its way on my face as Brady threw the door open, a wide smile on his young face. We laughed as he ran towards us on his chubby legs, latching himself to my leg that was dangling off the edge.

"Hi buddy!" I exclaimed in a high pitched voice.

He just held onto my leg tighter, refusing to lift his head. I raised an eyebrow at Sabrina, to which she just shrugged.

"I missed you." He whispered tiredly.

"I missed you too bud." I smiled sadly at him, ruffling his hair lightly.

"Never leave like that again." He demanded.

Sabrina and I laughed as we stared fondly at our little brother. My heart warmed as I lifted him up, setting him on my crossed legs. His hands wrapped around my neck as he latched himself to body.

"I won't." I whispered, meaning every word.
I am so sorry. I didn't update yesterday because I didn't have a chapter to upload. I've really been struggling with completing chapters,  but I'm going to keep trying to update daily.

On a less serious note I hope you guys like this one. Please make sure to vote, comment, and share. It means a lot.

Have a wonderful day

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