Chapter Ninenty Three

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*March 25th*
*Arabelles POV*

"Why didn't you tell me mom was alive?" She cried out, fresh tears streaming down her face.

My blood ran cold as the room went silent, everyone surprised at her question. I felt Harry's grip slacken on my arms until he completely let go, Niall doing the same to Brina. My heart ached at the pain in her eyes and voice, wishing that she didn't have to hear this.

"I didn't want you to know." I whispered, my voice cracking in several places as I felt my emotions take over.

"That's not your place Ara." She stated firmly, the chill undertone in her voice sending shivers down my spine. I've never seen her like this, she looked so broken and outraged.

"You don't understand." I started, my voice desperate as I stepped forward, only for her to cut me off with a shake of her head.

"What don't I understand Ara? That my mother isn't dead after all of these years? That you and dad haven't been lying to my face? That all the years I spent mourning my mother were a total waste?" She exclaimed, her voice raising with each words she said until she was screaming at the end.

I opened my mouth to say something but realized that nothing I say would be good enough for her in this moment. She just found out that her family has been lying to her and her mother isn't dead. I would be reacting like that too. Sabrina eyed me silently, waiting for me to say something.

"You just wouldn't understand." I ended up saying, feeling guilty as i shook my head.

"Try me." She challenged, her tone harsh as she crossed her arms over her chest.

I sighed as I tried to prepare for the conversation that was about to happen. I felt Harry's presence leave from behind me as I turned to see him standing next to Louis and Liam. He shot me a sympathetic glare and a small smile, giving me enough confidence for what he was about to come.

"Boys let's head upstairs, these two need to talk." Harry said, breaking the silence as he turned to the boys.

Louis and Liam nodded their heads, shooting me and Brina a quizzical glance before heading up the stairs. Niall looked back and forth between Brina and I, giving me a look as if to silently ask me if it was ok to leave. I gave him a subtle nod and he looked between us one last time before sighing, following the other two up the stairs. Harry gave me an encouraging smile before leaving the room, leaving me alone with my sister.

"Let's sit down." I suggested, already walking towards the couches, sitting down as Sabrina sat next to me. A sigh fell from my lips as I fiddled with my fingers, trying to collect my thoughts. "I didn't want to keep this from you?"

"Than why did you?" She asked, confusion written on her face.

"I'll tell you, but you have to promise to let me finish. No interrupting." I told her, to which she just nodded at. "Mom isn't the same woman she was when she was our mother." I started out.

"She's changed, complete, and not for the better. The only reason im here is because of her. Harry and them, their apart of a dangerous gang, a gang that our own mother runs." I ignored the shocked gasp that fell from her lips as I swallowed thickly. "She started it around the time I was born, maybe even before that. She started leaving places and having random men come into the house, and it got to the point where dad found out. Everything was fine after we were born, but once Brady came mom became restless. She was more hungry for the money and power that came with it. So she decided to leave us and become a full time boss. She has another family now, if you can even call it that. We have a brother, he was the one with the fluffy brown hair that came down earlier. She had Harry kidnap me so I could meet him I guess, I still don't know the full story."

"I got to see her again and let me just say that even though she is alive, the woman that raised us is definitely dead. She's not like she was before, not even in the slightest. She's a vicious, horrible woman, who has done horrid things in her life. She forces people in the gang by taking kids from their mothers and having them be trained to kill. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't know how or if i should. I didn't want to burden you and I guess I would've rather you remember her the way that she used to be, and not the way she is now."

Tears were streaming down my face by the time I finished, my eyes closed as I took a deep breath. I opened my eyes to see a teary eyed Sabrina staring back at me, her mouth agape with shock. I decided to give her a minute to process and let her speak when she wants to. I know this isn't easy to hear, especially when you thought you knew someone when in fact you never did.

"Is Niall apart of the gang?" She asked quietly after a few minutes, an unreadable expression on her face. I furrowed my eyebrows at her words but decided not to question it as I nodded my head. "That's horrible."

"Their not bad men." I told her quickly, not wanting her to get the wrong idea. "Like I said they were forced into it, they didn't have a choice."

"So their stuck for life?" She asked, a horrified expression on her face.

"Well not exactly. Their planning to escape, there's going to be a huge war and hopefully by the end of it they'll be free." I told her, her shoulders relaxing a little.

"I want to be there." She stated firmly, causing me to frantically shake my head.

"No it's too dangerous." I told her, immediately shooting down the idea.

"Well I'm not just going to let them fight my mother and not be involved." She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air frustratingly.

"Brina trust me, it's better if you don't be there. It's dangerous enough for just Harry and the guys to be doing this, we don't need you in the middle to." I told her.

"Fine." She sighed in defeat.

"Good." I smiled, relieved that she wouldn't be in the middle of that bloodbath.

"I'm sorry I freaked out like that, and that I hit you." She told me, guilt washing over her face as she stared at the most likely red spot on my cheek.

"It's fine. I understand, I shouldn't of hid something like that from you." I told her with a smile, happy that she wasn't upset anymore.

She wordlessly pulled me into a hug, causing me to giggle in surprise as I laid my head on her shoulder, thankful that we had an actual relationship now.
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Have a wonderful day

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