Chapter Seventy Seven

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*February 29th*
*Arabelle POV*

I held onto my dad in front of the doorway, the cold breeze blowing in from outside. We spent the whole day together, as a family, just catching up and spending time together. They understood that I have to go back, but I told them that I will make sure I visit.

"You stay safe ok?" My dad whispered in my ear, making sure Sabrina and Brady couldn't hear.

I nodded, not speaking because of the tears that were cascading down my cheeks. I know that I would be back, but it hurts leaving them again. Especially since I don't know exactly when I'll be back. It all depends on whether or not this plan works.

We pulled apart as he sighed, tears streaming down his face as well. He held onto me by my shoulders, a sad look on his face.

"Just remember that you always have a home here." He said sternly.

"I know." I whispered.

We shared one more fast hug before I stepped in front of Sabrina. I know sappy moments weren't really her thing so I just brought her into a hug. She hugged back tightly and when we pulled apart I could see that she was holding back tears. I smiled at her, one that she returned with a shaky smile of her own.

"My turn!" Brady squealed, making us laugh as we looked towards him.

I quickly wiped my tears from my face, not wanting to upset him. He just woke up from his nap and I don't want him crying anymore.

"Of course!" I exclaimed, crouching down to his height. "How could I forget!"

He giggled and leaned forward, causing a grunt to leave my mouth as I stumbled a little. I laughed as I steadied myself, his head in my neck and he hugged me tightly.

"You will me back right?" He pulled back, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes I will." I softly replied.

He didn't speak as he held up his pinky with raised eyebrows. We all laughed as I hooked my pinky with his, giving him a kiss on the forehead, a thing I did all the time when he was smaller.

"Alright bud, I need to get going." I said after a while.

He nodded as he climbed off of my lap, letting me rise to my feet. I looked outside to see Harry's car along the curb, waiting for me. I had texted him earlier to let him know I was ready, knowing that it takes a while to get here.

"Well he's here." I sighed, not really wanting to leave.

"Alright. Well just call if you ever want to talk to us. Remember your always welcome here." My dad told me.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, giving him a quick hug.

He smiled at me as I quickly hugged Sabrina and Brady again, not knowing when I'm coming back. They all looked sad as I headed towards the door, but they knew I would try to visit.

"I'll see you guys soon." I told them.

They all waved and I walked out the door, towards Harry's car. He smiled at me as I opened the door, climbing in. I looked towards the door to see them standing there, waiting for me to leave. I rolled down the window and waved as Harry took of down the road. Once they were no longer in sight I rolled the window up, finally letting my tears escape. A sob escaped my lips as Harry turned to give me a concerned glance.

"You ok there?" He asked, putting his free hand in mine.

I smiled as I laced our fingers together, grateful that I had him. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as I nodded.

"Yea I'm ok." I breathed. "It was just hard seeing them again.

He nodded in understanding as he turned the corner, my heart sinking as we got further and further from them.

"How did your dad take the news?" He asked hesitantly.

A laugh left my lips and I remembered how scared I was to tell him, only to figure out that he knew everything before I did.

"He already knew." Harry looked at me with raised eyebrows. "I know, I was surprised too. Apparently he knew when they were together that she had another life. He also knows about Louis, says that he's met him a few times, you too."

Harry seemed to be in thought as he nodded slowly, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the dark road.

"That makes sense actually." He spoke up after a few moments. I looked over at him in confusion, waiting for him to explain. "Well Louis didn't find out about you guys until like a week before we kidnapped you. So it's possible that we've met him before and just don't know it."

That would make sense, I mean mom did run the gang when she was still with my dad, so they were bound to run into each other a few times. From what my dad told me mom never knew that he found out about the gang. She always she thought he believed the lies she told him. He did at first, but with all the people coming in and out of the house and all of the 'business trips' my mom went on, he eventually caught on.

"Why did he stay with her if he knew what she was doing?" Harry's curious voice broke my train of thought.

"He told me that he hoped she would turn around and stop. I guess he just loved her too much to let her go, plus he was thinking about us. We would've been too young to understand everything, so I'm guessing he just found it was better to stay and hope than to leave." I finished.

"That's pretty sad." Harry spoke lowly. "Knowing the person you love is out there, but is no longer the person you fell in love with. Having to tell your kids that she's dead because technically she is."

I stared at him in bewilderment as he stared forward, focusing on the road. I couldn't believe those words came out of his mouth, and how true they were. He looked over at me and chuckled at my shock, giving my hand a squeeze before turning back towards the road.

"Yea." I spoke up after a while. "It is sad."
Ok this is random but I need new music to listen to so comment suggestions please?

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