Chapter Sixty Three

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*February 22nd*
*Arabelles POV*

I laughed as Harry sang loudly to the song on the radio, the trunk full with grocery's. We were speeding down the empty road with the windows down. The wind blew through our hair as we laughed and sang together, feeling carefree.

It was dark out seeing as it was around 8 o clock, we were at the stores for way longer than we thought we were going to be. We left the boys at the house just as Liam arrived, and I really hoped they weren't causing trouble.

We were pulling into our neighborhood as we heard loud thumping music. I turned towards Harry with raised eyebrows and he shrugged, not knowing where it was coming from either, though we quickly found out as we pulled into our driveway.

There were cars parked all along the curb, people lingering in our front yard. I felt my eyebrows furrow as I saw beer bottles scattered around the grass. People were laughing carelessly, people stumbling around the walkway. Some were even making out in the grass, making me scrunch my eyebrows up in disgust.

"Christ." Harry cursed as he got out of the car.

I followed his movements as I opened my car door, feeling awkward as people started staring at us. Harry opened the trunk and we grabbed our grocery's, not wanting anything to go bad if we leave it in the car. People gave us weird stares as we walked through the lawn, climbing up the porch stairs. We walked through the doorway that was left wide open, the intensity of the music immediately giving me a headache. The floor shook beneath our feet as we pushed past people, desperately trying to reach the kitchen. We walked in to see liquor bottles covering the counter, making me groan in frustrations. We set the bags down on the floor and hurriedly put it away, using the fact that no one was in here to our advantage.

I put the last item in the fridge and leaned back onto the counter, seeing people dancing provocatively from the entryway. 

"Where the h*ll is Louis and Niall." Harry grumbled, obviously agitated.

He grabbed my hand and led me into the living room full of sweaty drunk people. Strobe lights were set around the room, flashing as we pushed past people. I spotted Nialls fluffy blonde hair next to a game of beer pong. I nudged Harry and pointed towards them, him nodding as he pulled me in that direction. Louis saw us stomping over to them and his eyes widened when he saw the look on Harry's face. He immediately nudged Niall, causing him to choke on his drink. He was about to yell at Louis when he saw us approaching the table.

"What the f*ck is going on here!" Harry bellowed. Niall and Louis both jumped, looking at each other with an uneasy glance.

"I- um. It was Liams idea." Niall sputtered out with wide eyes.

"I don't care who's idea it was we told you no parties!" He yelled in frustration, slamming his hand onto the table, causing me to flinch.

"Harry, calm down mate. I know we weren't supposed to and I apologize but things just got out of hand. Liam said that it would only be a few people. Why don't you just relax and maybe take a drink." Louis suggested, yelling over the music so we could hear him.

Harry looked like he was about to yell again but I grabbed his hand, causing him to look down at me. I shook my head softly, not wanting this to turn into a argument.

"Your not mad?!" He asked in astonishment, his eyebrows creased in confusion.

I shook my head at him. "I am mad. But sitting here and fighting isn't going to solve anything. Maybe Louis is right we should loosen up a little." I shrugged.

He looked at me with a bewildered look. "Really?

I nodded as I stepped towards the table, grabbing a bottle out of Louis hands. The boys looked at me with wide eyes as I brought the bottle to my lips. I took a deep breath before I tilted my head back, letting the liquid pour down my throat. I downed about a third of the bottle before I pulled it away from my mouth. My throat burned as I closed my eyes, shaking my head a little bit because of the foul taste. I opened my eyes to see the boys mouths hanging open in shock.

"What?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow at them.

"Jesus Ara." Niall exclaimed, shaking his head with a chuckle.

"Are we going to play or not." I quizzed, looking at them with a quirked eyebrow.

"F*ck yea!" Louis cheered.

I blushed as the surrounding people cheered and hollered at me, some even going as far as to wolf whistle. I turned to see Harry looking at me with wide eyes and an amazed smile on his face. I just shrugged as he laughed, pulling me into his side and kissing my temple.

"Ok so the teams are Niall and Harry against Arabelle and I." Louis announced, Harry groaning lightly as I laughed at him.

Harry pecked me on the lips before going to the other side of the table, Niall right by his side. They began setting up all the cups into a triangle position, filling them up with the hard liquor.

"Ever play before?" Louis asked, appearing by my side.

"A few times." I shrugged, Louis sending me a surprised look. "What? I've been to some parties." I quipped.

Louis just shook his head and chuckled at me. We both got into our positions as someone handed a ping pong ball to Louis. He took it gladly, staring straight ahead as he bounced it on the table, catching it every time.

"Alright, who's first?" Niall called, causing us all to look at each other.

"I guess we'll go." Louis shrugged.He picked up a ping pong ball and handed it to me. "Let's see what you got."

I just grabbed the ball out of his hands, turning towards the table. I tried to ignore all of the doubtful glares that watchers sent me as I raised my arm. I locked my eyes on the cup that I was aiming for and threw the ball. It flew in the air and eventually landed in the cup, the liquor splashing on the table. Everyone went quiet as they looked up at me in shock, including Harry.

"Who said a girl can't play beer pong?" I challenged.

Everyone just shook their heads as Harry downed the drink. Niall handed him a ball and he effortlessly threw it across the table, successfully making it in the cup. He sent me a smug look to which I rolled my eyes at.

"It's on styles." I laughed.
I honestly dislike beer pong at parties.

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Have a wonderful day

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