Chapter Ninety Eight

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*March 1st*
*Third Person POV*

"No!" Arabelle screamed, the sound traveling throughout the house and outside. Her mom ripped the curtains open, the crowd of men being revealed.

Harry whipped his head towards the house at the sound of Arabelles frightened voice, his heart dropping once he saw her through the window. She looked absolutely terrified, tears streaming down her face as she tried to fight the guards that were holding her back. Harry could feel his stomach churn as one of the guards brought his hand up, striking her across the cheek. Harry's teeth gritted with anger as he watched Arabelles head snap to the side, wincing as the area turned red.

Right when he was about to go after her a crowd of men exited the house, armor on and guns raised towards the group. Harry sighed as he realized that Arabelle had failed to convince her mother, knowing that a war was about to commence.

The first gunshot came suddenly, the guy standing next to Niall dropping to the ground, his pulse no longer beating. Immediately all of their guns raised, bullets firing from both sides. Men ran all over the backyard, trying to dodge the bullets as they flew towards them. Harry aimed his two guns towards the enemy as he ran, firing at anyone he saw as he tried to find cover.

Body's were scattered across the grass as Harry hopped over them, rolling on the ground to hide behind a shed. He exhaled a shaky breath as he reloaded his gun, sweat dripping down his forehead as his hands worked quickly with the ammunition. Adrenaline flooded through his veins as his heart raced, hearing screams of agony around him.

He carefully peeked his head around the corner, seeing some men standing still as they shot at the enemy. A lot of them scattered the floor, either wounded or dead. Blood stained the grass as the body's kept dropping like flies.

Harry ran back out, shooting at anyone in a uniform, not caring where he hit. He felt numb as he kept pulling the trigger, another body dropping to the floor.

Meanwhile Arabelle was desperately trying to escape the men's grip, twisting and withering as she watched the war pursue. Fear flooded her chest at the sight of the dead bodies, knowing that Harry could be any of them. She hadn't seen him since the first gunshot went off, and she was terrified that would be the last time she ever saw him.

She took a deep breath before shooting her head back, successfully hitting the guys nose. A crack emitted through the room as he let go of her wrists, his hands flying up to touch his bleeding nose. Using this opportunity to her advantage Arabelle kneed him in the groin, grabbing his gun from his waistband. The guard fell the the floor, causing her mother to snap her head towards the scene. A horrified gasp left her red lips as she saw the gun in her daughters hand. The other guard stepped towards her, only for Arabelle to quickly aim the gun in his direction.

"Move and you die." She stated lowly, a dangerous glint in her eyes as she wrapped her finger around the trigger. Scared, the guard quickly nodded, stepping back and raising his hands up in surrender.

"Arabelle, what in gods name are you doing?" Her mother breathed, absolutely horrified at her daughters sudden action. A bitter chuckle left Arabelles lips, her cheeks red with anger as she looked towards her mother.

"Making things right." She answered simply, venom laced in her tone as she glared at her mother.

The violence outside continued as Arabelle walked towards her mom, shaky hands holding the gun towards her mother.

"Call off your men." She demanded, her voice low as she pointed towards the radio on the table, knowing that that's what she uses to contact her men.

Her mother hurriedly nodded turning around and walking towards the machine. A sadistic smirk made its way onto her face as she picked it up, whirling around and throwing it at Arabelle. A gasp left Aras lips as she jumped out of the way of the flying object, dropping her gun in the process. Her mother stepped forward and swiftly grabbed the gun, raising it to aim at her daughter.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as Isabelle pulled the trigger, the bullet traveling through the air and lodging itself in Arabelles chest. A choked gasp left Arabelles lips as another gun shot rang through the air, Arabelle falling to the cold ground.

She gasped for air as she looked down, only seeing one bullet wound. She lifted her head to see her mom laying on the floor, blood pooling around her head. There in the doorway stood Sabrina, a bandana wrapped around her head with a gun in her hand.

Sabrina ran towards her sister, screaming Harry's name as she saw the amount of blood that was pouring from her body. She slid on her knees until she was next to her sister, laying her head on her lap. Time seemed to stop as she looked at her sisters pale face, tears springing to her eyes as she realized she was barely breathing.

"Harry!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, absolutely terrified as she looked out into the field.

Almost all of the men on Isabelles side were dead, only a few standing still. It was an absolute blood bath, wounded people scattered across the grass. A gasp left her lips as she saw Louis, quickly screaming his name to get his attention.

Louis turned to the direction of the sound and his heart stopped as he saw Arabelle in Sabrinas lap, her body looking lifeless. He didn't think twice as he ran towards the direction he last saw Harry, sighing in relief once he saw the curly headed lad.

"Come now! It's Arabelle!" He told him, grabbing his arm.

Harry's head shot up and soon both boys were running towards the house, shooting at anyone in their way. When they ran through the door Niall was already by Sabrinas side. Harry could feel his world crashing down as he looked at his lovers pale skin, her lips turning purple from lack of oxygen. Guilt stabbed his chest as he knew this was his fault, for she barely wanted to be here in the first place. He should've had someone there with her, she shouldn't have been by herself.

"We have to get her to a hospital." Sabrina exclaimed, crying hysterically while brushing the hair out of her sisters face. She too felt extremely guilty, but not because she felt it was her fault, no. Because she knew she hasn't been the best sister, she wasn't even that good of a person in general.

The boys nodded and didn't waste a single second as Harry scooped her up, running through the house and out the doors. He quickly put her in the backseat and sped off towards the nearest hospital, knowing that the rest would follow.

Throughout the ride Harry kept looking at Arabelle in the backseat through the rear view mirror, hoping that he wasn't to late. He swerved into the parking lot and messily parked his car, grabbing Arabelle from the backseat before running into the hospital.

"My girlfriend needs help!" Harry screamed, immediately catching the attention of the people in the waiting room. Some patients gasped, for the sight of a bloody boy holding a lifeless girl wasn't a sight they expected to see.

Doctors immediately rushed over to the frantic boy covered in blood, grabbing the unconscious girl from his arms and placing her on the stretcher. Harry tried to follow them into the room but was stopped immediately. They told him that she needs immediate surgery and that they will do the best to save her.

The only thing that was on Harry's mind as he sat in the waiting room was when they were there last time. But this time she might not be leaving.

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Have a wonderful day

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