Chapter Seventy Five

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*February 29th*
*Arabelle POV*

"... and now we have to fake my death, we'll we're having a news station play a fake story about my death. After that we have to change my identity and stuff, so I'll probably look different the next time you see me. I just wanted to warn you guys before it happened." I finished my long explanation.

The room went silent as Sabrina and my dad sat there, trying to digest what I told them. It was hard to tell what my dad was thinking, his face as been expressionless the whole time. Sabrina on the other hand was the complete opposite, not able to keep a straight face through my speech.

I fiddled my fingers nervously as I waited for them to say something, the quietness starting to bother me. My dad was meant against the wall, his arms crossed against his chest as he stared at the floor with his eyebrows pulled together. Sabrina was looking at me with wide eyes, her mouth still open as she stared at me.

"Let me get this straight." Sabrina said, sitting down in the couch. "You were kidnapped by a a gang, fell in love with the leader. Than you faked your death to avoid him, got in a car accident, moved in with him and two other men from the gang. And now you've got some type of rival gang after you?"

I nodded slightly, causing her to laugh in surprise. I stared at her with a raised eyebrow, looking towards my dad to see him doing the same. Our eyes met and we shared a look, my dad just shrugging as she gasped all of a sudden.

"This would be a great movie!" She exclaimed.

"Except this isn't a movie Brina. This is real life, my life. This is serious, it's actually going to happen and technically to the world Arabelle will cease to exist. I'll have to go by a different name and I'll look completely different." My voice was raised by the end, my breathing increasing as I started panicking.

My dad noticed and pushed himself off the wall, walking towards me. My hands were shaking as he grabbed them in his, leading me to sit down. He sat across from me as he cleared his throat.

"Listen, I know everything is changing and you don't know how to deal with it. But you've got to realize that somethings things happen and things have to change sometimes. And there's nothing you can do to help that. The best you can do is learn how to adapt to the changes, instead of worrying yourself over something you can't control. This is a big thing, your right, but it's not the end of the world. It's just the end of this chapter, who knows what the new one holds. Because this is your story, you might wish you can change it sometimes but it's yours. Whether or not you believe, your story will have a happy ending. You just have to go through a few bad spots to get to it"

My dad paused, wiping a tear that escaped from his eyes. I was stuck staring at him, his words warming my heart and making it ache at the same time. Tears were rolling down my own face, as I tried to figure out my feelings. It seemed like we were the only people in the room as we looked into each others eyes.

"That's all I want for you guys." His voice cracked with emotion as he motioned towards Sabrina and I. "I can't give you guys everything, even though I wish I could. But I hope these words will be enough. You guys are such wonderful girls, and I'm proud to be able to say your my daughters. Never in my life would I have thought I would have raised such amazing people. You guys make mistakes, like we all do. But you always make up for them and learn from them, and that makes me so proud. I'm so unbelievably proud of who you guys are turning out to be. Arabelle you might not have been with us for this past year, but I can tell it shaped you into a beautiful woman. Whatever you may have seen when you weren't with us might have been horrible. You must have went through things that no one wants to, but it's made you stronger. Sabrina, you might not always make the best and safest decisions, but you are still an incredible person. You care for everyone so deeply and I am so thankful for your guy's help over the years. I know that after your mom died things were rough, and I couldn't handle things on my own. Even though I was ashamed that I needed my children's help, I'm thankful for it. I wouldn't have made it without you guys. I love you girls, where ever you guys end up in life I want you to know that I love you. You'll always have a home here, but it's nice to know you guys don't need me all the time. You can handle life on your own."

He finished with a sniffle as I stared at him with my eyes wide in surprise. I have no idea where that came from, but I know we both needed to hear it. My heart was racing as it swelled, happy tears running down my face, replacing the ones from before.

"I love you dad." I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around him.

I squeezed him tightly as I felt his arms wrap around me. I exhaled slowly as I felt a sort of relaxed feeling wash over me, making me feel relief. Relief that I was here with my family, that we were all safe and alive. I felt another pair of arms wrap around us and I smiled widely once I realized that Sabrina has now joined the house.

I close my eyes, letting my thoughts run wild. I might not have the best of memories in this house, out with my family. But I do know one thing, I wouldn't change any of it.

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Have a wonderful day

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