Chapter Eighty Nine

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*March 20th*
*Arabelles POV*

"What!" I exclaimed loudly, the boys flinching slightly at the sudden noise. My heart racing wildly as stared at Harry with wide, panicked eyes.

"Babe calm down." Harry told me softly, placing his hand on my knee, his green eyes flooded with concern.

I closed my eyes as I took deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. Awful thoughts raced through my head about what could come from this. I felt fingers lace with my own and I took a deep breath, I looked up into Harry's green orbs and immediately felt myself relax.

"What do you mean your going to fight your way out?" I asked them, a lot more quieter this time. Zayn sighed before leaning forward, his hands on his knees as ran a hand through his hair.

"It's the only way. We're going to try to tell them that we want out, but we know they won't let us leave quietly." Zayn answered calmly, his words only increasing the pounding in my chest.

"Well are you even sure that it's going to work? I mean as long as there's still a gang, would you ever be free?" I asked them.

"We already have that figured out." Louis answered simply.

"How?" I asked him, to which he just shook his head.

"Its better if you don't know for right now." Zayn told me, answering for Louis who nodded.

Even though their answer made a weird feeling settle in my stomach, I decided to push that back and smile at them, not wanting to ruin their moods by my doubts.

"When is this going to happen?" I asked, turning to Harry.

"First we need to gather more men, we need to see if there's anyone else that wants to leave like we do. Most of these men went through the same stuff that we did, so hopefully they'll want to fight with us to be free cause we definitely can't do it by ourselves." Harry told me, confidence in his voice.

"How do you know that will work?" I asked, worried for their safety.

"Once we gather members we will have to fight against the remaining ones. When we win, hopefully, your mother will no longer have any power. The only men that she would have left would be turned against her, leaving her no choice but to let us leave." He told me.

"Where do I come in in all of this?" I turned to the boys.

"We're going to have you talk to mom for us, see if you can get her to change her mind. I know she might not show it but she has a soft spot for you." Louis told me quietly.

A sick feeling settled in my stomach at the thought of seeing my mother again, especially after hearing what dad had to say about it.

"I don't know if she'll listen to me Lou." I told him softly, knowing that me and my mom don't have the best relationship, we don't even have a relationship.

"Your her daughter, of course she'll listen to you." Zayn said with a bewildered look on his face.

I shook my head sadly, knowing that that wasn't the case at all, my mother only cares about herself, no one else. Not even her children.

"She left me for money and power. What makes you think she'd give it up for the daughter she abandoned." I said lowly, tears springing to my eyes.

The room fell silent as everyone stared at me with sympathetic eyes. I looked down at my fingers, not wanting to see them staring at me with pity any longer. I felt a hand wrap around my waist and soon I was pulled into a hard chest, emerald eyes staring at me with concern. I laid my head on his chest as the tears flowed down my cheeks, silent cries escaping my mouth.

I thought I was over what she did to me and my family, but I guess some wounds take longer to heal than others. She is my mother after all, and finding out that she never died but just abandoned eyes for money and power isn't an easy pill to swallow.

"Hey if she doesn't listen to you, you can always just uppercut her in the v*gina." Niall suddenly spoke.

Everyone turned to look at him with bewildered looks on their face, Louis wearing a disgusted expression. A small giggle escaped my lips and Harry snapped his down to look at me, an amused grin covering his face. I began to laugh harder as he chuckled, everyone looking at us weirdly. Niall was already laughing loudly at his own joke, his head thrown back as he cackled, the rest of the guys laughing at his laugh.

"What the f*ck did you just say mate?" Liam coughed out, his eyes watering from laughing so hard.

"I was just trying to lighten the mood." Niall shrugged, still laughing like a hyena.

"Did you really have to say in the v*gina though?" Louis spoke as he cringed visibly.

"It was the first thing that came to mind!" Niall defended loudly, holding his hands up in the air.

"Dude that just makes it worse." Harry said, shaking his head with a low chuckle.

"Yea why the hell were you thinking of my moms v*gina?" Louis exclaimed, launching a throw pillow across the room.

I tuned out all of their loud bickering as I stared at them fondly, my heart bursting with joy as I sat with all of these men I've come to love in different ways. We might not have met in the best way and we might not have always got along, but they've become family to me. They all helped me through so much, and I know I wouldn't be where I was today without them. I would probably be back home, miserable and mourning the 'death' of my mother. I would have never known what love feels like, or what it's like to have a big brother or three loud,rambunctious Bestfriend's.

A warm feeling settled in my chest as I realized that this is where I'm supposed to be. Here, with all of these childish boys. This, this is home, and I'm so glad I found it.
What do you guys think of their plan?

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Have a wonderful day.

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