Chapter Sixty Four

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*February 22nd*
*Harrys POV*

"Arabelle!" I shouted, desperately trying to find her in the crowd of sweaty people.

Everything was fine while we were playing beer pong, we played a few rounds actually, all of them Arabelles team won. She was pretty wasted by the time we got done playing, her eyes were wide and she was slurring her words. I tried to get her to drink some water but she just shook her head. I turned to talk to Louis and when I turned back she was gone, and a huge bottle of tequila was missing.

I searched the large sea of people, looking at any girl with black hair, but none of them were her. I don't even know what direction she ran in. I spotted Liam and ran over to him, hoping that he's seen her.

"Have you seen Arabelle." I shouted in his ear once I was close enough.

"I didn't even know you guys were here. Sorry mate." Liam said sympathetically.

I thanked him and decided to check upstairs. I ran up the stairs, dodging all the couples making out against the railing. I was sweating by the time I made it up the stairs, hoping that I didn't come up here for no reason.

I opened the bathroom door to see no one in there, making me grumble under my breath. I checked the guest bedroom, only to see a half naked couple in there. I quickly apologized and shut the door, running my hands through my hair in frustration.

I looked down the hall to see a guy openeing up the door to our bedroom. A smirk made its way onto his face as he entered the room, closing the door behind him. I furrowed my eyebrows as I stomped towards the door. I could hear muffled voices as I stood right outside the door.

"I've been watching you all night." The guy spoke low and seductively.

"Okk?" I heard Arabelles voice slur. She sounded extremely confused.

"Now that your little boyfriends no where in sight, we can have some fun." He stated,making my hands shake with anger.

I heard some shuffling and all of a sudden Arabelle started whimpering, sounding like she was in pain. I didn't waste a single second as I threw the door open, making a loud bang as the door hit the wall. I saw the man hovering over her, Arabelles eyes closed in fear. He looked up at the door in surprise but it quickly turned in to fear once he saw me. Arabelle snapped her head over to me and let out a breath of relief. Her eyes were wide with tears as her cheeks were red, causing my heart to sink. In one swift motion her feet came up and pushed the guy off of her, making him tumble to the ground. He looked up in surprise as Arabelle ran towards me, instantly hiding into my side. I looked down into her tear filled eyes and felt rage flooding through my veins. I felt sick that this disgusting man had his hands on her, and what would have happened if I didn't show up when I did.

I turned around to see the door still open, people crowding in the hallway because of the noise. Everyone was watching on with shocked eyes, whispering onto each other. Louis and Liam were stood in the front, looking shocked at what was happening.

"Louis." I called out to get his attention. "Take Arabelle."

Louis nodded and stepped forward, reaching out to grab her like I asked him to. I felt her grip on my shirt get tighter, I looked down to see her frantically shaking her head. I furrowed my eyebrows as she held onto me tightly.

"No." She protested, her lips in a pout as tears streamed down her face. "I want to stay with you."

My heart broke as I looked in to her tears eyes, wanting nothing more than to hold her tight.

"It will only be a second sweetheart." I assured her, giving her a warm smile despite the situation.

She looked up at me and I nodded at her, giving her an encouraging smile. She hesitantly released my shirt, letting Louis grab her arm. He pulled her into his own chest as they walked down the empty hallway, into his room I'm assuming. I could hear Niall downstairs ushering people out of the house, seeing that the party is over. I looked out to see Liam standing alone in the hallway, I tilted my head towards the room, silently telling him to come here. He nodded and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.

I looked towards the guy on the floor, noticing that he was shaking with fear.  A wicked smile made its way onto my face as I looked into his fearful eyes. I took a step towards him, causing him to scoot back like a coward. This continued until he was pressed against the wall, no space behind him to escape. I crouched down and grabbed him by his shirt collar, making him flinch slightly. I violently yanked him onto his feet before pushing him against the wall. His head hit the back of the wall hard, making a huge bang be heard throughout the room. He groaned in pain as his eyes squeezed shut.

"So you like taking advantage of girls when their drunk then?" I questioned rhetorically, not expecting an answer.

He opened up his eyes wide and shook his head frantically. I looked back towards Liam, who was now sitting on the bed. He just shrugged, not knowing what to say. I turned my attention back to the man and quirked my eyebrow.

"Really? Cause that's not what it seems like to me." I sneered. "Quite frankly I don't think scum like you deserves to live, how about you Liam." I asked him, a sickening sweet tone being held in my voice.

"I don't think so either." Liam shrugged, looking bored with the situation.

"Please no! I won't ever come back here just please don't kill me!" He pleaded pathetically.

I dragged his pleading body towards the balcony, throwing the doors open. Cool air made its way into the room as his pleading screams got louder.

"You see I can't do that." I taunted, shaking my head at his request.

"Why not?" The man questioned, tears pooling in his eyes.

"Cause I don't really want to." I answered nonchalantly.

I gave him one last harsh glare before pushing him harshly. His eyes went wide as he stumbled backwards, hitting the railing before flipping over it. A blood curling scream left his lips as he fell the whole 6 feet. I turned around as it went silent, his body hitting the pavement. Liam looked at me with wide eyes before he shook his head at me.

"What?" I asked. "F*cker touched my girl." I finished, acting like I was trying to justify what I did.

He just laughed and shook his head again, following me out of the room. I could still feel my body shaking with rage as I went to find Arabelle. Loud music was coming from Louis room and I let out a breath of relief, glad that she didn't hear any of that.  I opened Louis door, the music getting louder as I stepped in. I looked towards the bed to see Ara with her head on Louis shoulder. Her shoulders were shaking like she was still crying making my heart drop. Louis realized me standing there and grabbed the remote, quickly turning off the music.

"Sweetheart." I said softly, my heat breaking for her.

Her face quickly shot up and my breath hitched as I saw her red puffy eyes. I looked at her sympathetically, lifting my arms up for her to cuddle in to. She scrambled off the bed and ran to me, gladly holding onto my body as I hold her.

"It's ok. I got you."
Sorry for the violence. I know it was kind of unexpected.

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Have a wonderful day

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