Chapter Eighty One

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*March 8th*
*Arabelle POV*

It's been a few days since everything has happened and things seemed to have cooled down since then.

Niall ended up having to take Luke to the hospital after they realized that he was hurt to the point he needed medical attention. Louis ended up breaking his nose and he also had to get three stitches in his eyebrow, caused from Louis' bulky rings.

The gang that was after me saw the news and heard about my apparent death. As far as we know they believe it, we just need to be careful about who knows and where I go.

The phone rang from the coffee table and I leaned forward, greening the device and leaning back in my seat. I looked at the number and realized it was my dad. I smiled before clicking answer and bringing the phone up to my ear.

"Hey dad." I said, grabbing my water off the table.

"Hey hun how are you doing." His voice said from the other line.

"Pretty good, hows things for you guys?"

"It's been ok. I'm actually calling to see if you'd like to come for dinner tomorrow?" He asked curiously.

I smiled and nodded, before realizing he can't see me.

"Yea that'd be great." I beamed.

"I was also wondering if you can bring your boyfriend over?" He asked hopefully.

"Uh, if he wants to sure. But why?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I can't meet my daughters boyfriend?" I could tell that he was raising an eyebrow eyebrow even if I couldn't see him.

"No you can, it was just unexpected." I told him truthfully, not meaning to upset him.

"Well the idea just came in mind and thought I'd ask you." He laughed, causing me to laugh along while I shook my head.

We talked and caught up for a few moments. He told me how Brady keeps asking when I'm going to visit again. Sabrina hasn't stopped her troubling ways, but that's not anything new. His work has been going great, there's a new nurse there that he's interested in. I really hope something happens between them, he deserves to be happy.

After about and hour and a half of talking we hung up, him having to cook dinner for the kids. I sighed as I hung up the phone,placing it back on the coffee table.

I smiled as Harry entered the house, having been gone for some type of gang business that I don't care to ask about. I've had enough with violence and drama for a while.

"Hey babe." He greeted happily, walking over to the couch and crouching down to kiss me.

"Hey." I responded as he sat down next to me on the couch.

"What did you do today." He said as he set his sunglasses on the table.

"Well I talked to my dad." He hummed, waiting for me to elaborate. "He wants to meet you." I finished nervously.

He froze instantly, his hand that was running through his hair stopping midway. I waited patiently as he sighed, leaning back into the couch.

"You sure that's a good idea?" He asked with hesitance clear in his voice.

"I mean i don't know but he really wants to meet you." I tell him, hoping he'll agree.

I watched nervously as he leaned forwards, his elbows on his knees while his hands rested on his cheeks, thinking. I gave him a few minutes to think, waiting as patiently as I could. After a few minutes he sighed and by the look he gave me I knew he was agreeing. A wide smile made its way to my face as I crawled over to him, sitting down on his lap. His eyes widened as he looked down at our position and it was then that I realized I was straddling him. Ignoring the blush rising up from my neck I leaned in, resting a thankful kiss on his lips.

"You won't regret it." I happily said as we pulled away, our forebears resting against each other.

"I better not." He remarked playfully. "When is it?" He asked more seriously.

I bit on the corner of my lip nervously as he stared at me expectantly, and eyebrow raised.

"Tomorrow." I whispered.

"Tomorrow?!" I winched at the sudden yell.

I nodded and he groaned, throwing his head against the back of the couch.

"So much for a notice." He snapped, I could tell this was freaking him out, he's never had to do this before.

I grabbed his hands that were running against his face in a frantic motion, instead replacing them with my own. I cupped his rosy cheeks in my hands and tilted his head up, forcing him to look at me.

"Listen to me." I demanded. "Your going to be fine. He already knows about everything and didn't have one bad word to say about it. He wouldn't have invited you if he didn't want to meet you, trust me. He knows that your good to me, despite everything else. All he wants is for his little girl to be happy, and you make me happy. What else could he want?"

"For the guy his daughter is dating not to be involved in a deadly gang." He said sarcastically.

A sigh fell past my lips as I scooted forward, he was being extremely stubborn.

"Stop that. Your a good guy Harry, regardless of all of that. I've seen the changes that your making, your a good man. Plus you even told me you were going to try to find a way out."

"But I don't know if I can." He interrupted sadly.

"The point is,is that you want to. That obviously means that you don't feel the same about it as you used to, before you met me. You obviously don't want to be involved in that type of life. It's not just like any other job, you can't just quit and walk away from it that easily, and I know that. I'm not mad that you haven't left yet, because I know it's extremely hard to. I'm willing to wait however long it takes, as long as we do get a peaceful life together in the end, away from all of this."

By the time I was finished with my long, but honest speech, Harry was staring at me with a look of amazement in his eyes, a wide smile on his face. He shook his head as a small laugh escaped his lips, causing me to laugh at the beautiful sound.

"Your amazing." He whispered, causing my heart to slam against my chest.

The smile didn't leave my face as I leaned down, capturing his lips with my own. The kiss was short, but sweet and full of passion. We could feel the love that we had for each other with each movement. He leaned his forehead against mine, disconnecting our lips.

"And I promise you, even if I have to die trying, we will be free some day."
I was listening to One Direction while writing this :)

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Have a wonderful day

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