Chapter Thirteen

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An audible groan left my lips as i start to regain consciousness. My feet feels so cold, practically frozen. And my head hurts terribly. Instinctively my right hand flies to my stomach as if touching it alone would let me know if my baby is okay. My eyes flutter open, and the force of the bright light in the room makes me whine in agony.

Ignoring the discomfort I manage to sit up and look around the bland room. There's really nothing special about it, it's painted in white and has a small window way above my arm's reach. The floors look dirty, and the only other thing in here besides me is the dusty mat that I'm sitting on and an old wooden chair. Who are these people? and what do they want with me?

Panic takes over and I start to scream at the top of my voice. "Help!!!! Somebody help! Help me. Hellooo! Hello is anybody out there? Help!!!!!" I continued to scream until I hear heavy footsteps matching towards the room, a minute later the door opens and a large man the size of Texas stepped in, looking at me like my head would make for a very satisfying breakfast.

"You're wasting your time, this room is sound proof." The large man says, before throwing a bottle of water and a sneaker bar in my direction and turned to leave.

"Where am I? What do you want with me?" I can hear the terror in my own voice and it irritates me.

"Eat! You're going to need your strength, you look like a twig." The man instructed, but as hungry and thirsty as I am, i don't plan on being a well behaved hostage. So I shake my head no.

The man looks at me with clear disinterest and says, "suit yourself." He was almost completely out of the room when he added, "my boss will be with you in a moment." Then he was gone.
Boss? What boss? Who are this people?

I just want to go home, I want to see Quincy so I can apologize for lying to him. I don't want to die in here without explaining to him, without telling him how I feel about him. The thought of never seeing him again terrifies me, of never seeing Sabby or my parents, or Ayanna. I just want to go home!
Tears start to roll out of my eyes before I could stop them, I wrap my arms around myself as I let it all out. This has been one hell of a month for me.


"This is all my fault."

"Stop that, it ain't." Rico argued.

It is though, I'm very sure whoever it is that has Sebby took him to get at me. I've ruffled too many feathers in my life that I wouldn't even know where to start narrowing down who this soon to be dead man is.
It's been twelve hours since Sebby's been gone, twelve hours since the whole town has been in a frenzy, yet no one has any leads.

Pops was still out with his men looking, last I heard sheriff Jackson and his men flooded the entire town knocking on doors and asking questions.

"All this time y'all kept saying Sebby was gon do this or that to me, the whole time I'm the fuckin poison." I feel powerless and I hate it, I hate every second that I'm not there protecting him, protecting our baby.

"Nah man, don't be saying shit like that. You ain't even sure this got anything to do with you, none of us do." Rico says, checking his phone.

I'm sure he's checking for updates from Ringo, who we're parked in the middle of the nowhere waiting for. The silent man wanted to follow a quick lead, so we're just sitting here waiting. Every agonizing second that passed brought me closer to the edge. I'm finna lose it soon, and that's a recipe for disaster.

Rico lights up a blunt, takes a hit and passed it to me. "Take a hit, you'd feel better." He says, and i obeyed but all it does it get me in my feelings more.

"I ain't even tell him how i feel man," A loose tear drop down my cheek. "I've loved that boy since middle-school, you know that?" I chuckle humorlessly. "I did everything I could to keep from feeling him like that, I denied it every chance I got. Now he's gon be wherever he is thinking I don't."

Rico looks at me sympathetically. "I know bro, I know." He said, then chuckled. "And you've felt that way since kindergarten quit playing, talmbout middle-school." Rico added. Making me laugh.

"Those arguments y'all be having were charged as fuck, I think everyone and they mama knew." He paused and scratched his head before adding. "Look man, I know Seb and i don't see eye to eye, and I'm always talking shit about him, but that's just force of habit. He's mad cool, brave, and smart as shit. We'll find him."

Before I could say anything else my phone rings. It's Ringo.

"Pull up, got a lead." Ringo said as soon as I pick up.

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