Sad Club

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Jaylen POV
"Let me go you idiot!" I shout kicking the guy in the balls and he crouches over dropping me. "Why are you so difficult?!" He groans trying to catch me again and I dodge his arms. I smash his head into my knee and that definitely made him mad.

He wipes the blood and jumps for me and I decide I've done enough damage and mark a dash for it. "Gotta be faster than that loser" I say running faster knowing he can't keep up as it is. I run into an alley and then run into a McDonald's bathroom. Now your probably wondering why I'm running.

Well I'll tell you even if your not wondering this is my story not yours. Flashback time!!

"Uhm Jay you know that you can't do that right?" Sky says to me and I roll me eyes. "Of course I know that but I'm still gonna do it" I say reaching and I finally grab it. "Score!" I shout making myself lose balance and fall right into the arms of the bouncer. "Your coming with me" he says snatching the bottle I just snagged away from me.

"Rude much?!" I say and he carries me outside while I watch Sky shake her head. "Help help!" I shout and he continues to walk out the club. "Let me go you idiot!" I shout
Flashback Over
That leads us to where we are no in a McDonald's bathroom at 3 in the morning. Okay so maybe I shouldn't have climbed on top of the bar and for my own bottle...but the bartender was to busy flirting with some slut. I pull out my phone and call Sky so she can see if the coast is clear.

"Where are you Jaylen?" She asks and I know she's mad because she's called me Jaylen instead of Jay. "In McDonald's bathroom" I say looking at myself in the broken mirror. I think I broke that when I slammed the door...oops. This definitely is triggering me...

"Hello Jaylen I said I'm on my way" Sky say and I snap back to reality. "Yes okay" I say hanging up and touching the broken mirror. For some reason I can't help but laugh at my reflection in the mirror. After a while Sky opens the door to the bathroom. She looks at me then the mirror with a worried expression on her face.

"Don't go all nuts on me here okay" she says and I nod. "Did you take your pills?" She asks and I shake my head. "They make me feel so bland" I say and she sighs. "I know mamas" she says rubbing my back. We walk out of the McDonald's and to our two bedroom apartment. "Take your pills okay I'm going to sleep" Sky says waking to her room closing the door behind her.

I've been on antidepressants for a while I stopped taking then after a month. There was a huge noticeable change in my emotions. I just didn't feel anything I didn't feel sad,happy, mad. It was just so bland so I stopped taking them. Sky found out last week and ever since she's been trying to get me to take them.

But I refuse to take them when I don't she depression symptoms anymore. I feel way better off the pills then I did on. I take the pills and hide them in a plastic bag so when Sky looks on the container she'll think I took them. Sky has always been very important to me and I'd hate to disappoint her or worry her. She's the only person I have left besides my bullshit older brother.

Yeah me and him aren't on good terms we haven't been for about 2 years now. All he cares about is money and what whore he's bringing home tonight. At first it wasn't bad he was home at least and he'd take me places and actually act like I existed. Now he ignores me and the only thing I get from him is a check every month that I refuse to cash.

I don't want his petty money I never did I just wanted my brother. He's just like my parents trust me there no better at all. They made it clear everyday that I'm the families biggest disappointment. No matter how hard I tried I always disappointed them. I graduated second of my class and they hated that I wasn't first. I WAS A CHILD PRODIGY!

But let's be honest they only resented me because they loved my brother more and wish he was as good as me. They never wanted a girl I know this wished that I was a boy and when they found out they were having a girl they were extremely disappointed. They even tell me how they were gonna give me up but if press ever found it they'd have a bad name.

There resentment towards me slowly went from vocal to physical. I was beat, slapped, punched, kicked until I couldn't take anymore. Guess what...all my brother did was watch because he didn't want to be on the receiving end. As soon as I mad it out and he wanted to reconnect I forgave him. Why?

Because he's my brother but after a while he turned exactly like them. He never wanted to reconnect with me he just wanted to pity me. After all the bad Sky was always there for me to fall back on. She's my best friend and in fact my cousin. Her parents unfortunately died in a car crash.

She was put into a foster home but my parents took her out and mad a butler raise us. She got it bad to but thankfully not as bad as me. They never dared to hit here only talk down on her. I think they are afraid to because she's the spitting image of her mom. Her mom is my moms older sister.

Yes it was a pretty fucked up life which lead to suicide attempts and cutting. But I made it out...we made it out and that's all that matters.

Jaylen up top!!

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