ALWAYS read the fine print!

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Jaylen POV
~Next Day|
I wake up to loud pounding on the door. Ugh you can't be serious it's like 3 in the morning! I get out of bed and grab my pocket knife off my dresser. I swing open the door holding the pocket knife up just to see it's boss guy. "What the hell?!" I exclaim and he just looks at me with a blank expression.

"Why aren't you ready?" He asks and I question if I should stab him or not. I finally decide to put the knife away. "It's like 3 in the morning go away" I say trying to close the door but he good it open. "It's 6 in the morning" he says showing me the time in his phone. "I don't care" I say and I just now realized I probably look like shit.

"Just hurry up we have places to be" he says stepping forward and I take steps back. Great now he's in my house...note the sarcasm. "Just make yourself at home" I say rolling my eyes and he sits in the couch. I wasn't being serious but fine whatever. I go into my room and take a shower. I hate office work we get money in our own way around here.

After my shower I put on something causal because I don't care. I put on a white crop top with blue ripped jeans and some sneakers. I put my pocket knife in my back pocket and walk out my room after I put my lipstick on. I walk into my living room and unfortunately he's still sitting there on my couch.

"You can't walk looking like that change" he says looking over my outfit and I groan. "No just let me go back to sleep I'll reset the idiots are and the other guys nose" I say and he gives me a look. He actually looks really scary but I stand my ground either way.

"Either you change yourself or I'll do it for you" he says with a smirk and I make my way back to my room. I change into a black shirt and ripped blue jeans.

I walk back out and he looks out my outfit in approval

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I walk back out and he looks out my outfit in approval. "Good enough let's go" he says and I roll my eyes. "Keep rolling those pretty little eyes of yours and watch what happens" he says and I nod. We walk out of my apartment and we get into his car. He drives up to the most popular casino out there.

The Russo Casino I've never been I'm not much of a gambler. I definitely know how to play though my poker face is fantastic.I heard the Russos own this huge mafia and they traffic women through this place. Now I wonder why we are really here? "What are you gonna gamble me away" I say and he smirks.

"No but that's a fantastic idea" he says and I gasps. "Come on" he says and I follow him out of the car. We walk into the casino and we go straight to the private elevator. I see the guys from the bar his nose looks bad.

He gets on the elevator with us and I can't help but touch it. "Did you reset it?" I asks and he shakes his head. "Does it not hurt?" I asks and he shakes his head again but I know his lying. I reset his nose and pain flashed through his eyes then relief. "Thanks" he says and I nod my head. "You should ice that" I say and boss guy pulls me out the elevator.

I wave goodbye and he waves back well he seems nice. "He seems nice" I say smiling and boss guy just looks down at me blankly. He's so freaking tall he has to be like 6'4 or something. I'm only 5'4 so the height difference is pretty big. "What's your name?" I asks him since I don't even know.

"Xavier" he answers opening the doors to a huge office. "I'm Jaylen" I say walking into the office and he closes the doors behind us. "I know" he says walking to his desks. What does he mean he knows? "I'm Xavier...Russo" he says with a unsettling smirk. "Russo..." I say knowing there filthy rich and dangerous.

He nods and now I know that I'm definitely in danger. "If this has to do with money or my family I don't have either of those things so your outta luck you picked the wrong Snow" I say and he shakes his head. "I don't need your money and I don't care about your family. This about you my little fenice" he says and I'm curious.

"Now that your working I need you to sign this contract" he says sliding it over to me and if my mom has taught me anything it's don't sign anything without reading it. I start reading and it looks like a normal workers contract. "Are you seriously gonna read the whole thing?" He asks and I nod.

"Well I don't have so day so hurry it up" he says handing me the pen. I skip over everything and read the fine print which definitely is crazy. I can't snitch and he can always have my location. Uhm thus is a bit much but okay it isn't to bad. I sign the papers and he takes them away before I can read anything else.

"Now that you belong to me I'll tell you about your job" he says and I sigh. "Okay but don't make this explanation boring" I say feelings very tired. "As my personal assistant you'll be moving in with me. You'll wake my up every morning and tell me exactly what I have planned for the day. I'll give you some tasks and I expect them to get done quickly and neatly" he says and I snicker.

"Move in with you? Are you crazy?" I say and he smirks pulling out the contract I just signed. "You signed the contract should have read the whole thing" he says and I smirk. "Touché Russo" I say clapping at his little trick. "I'll drive you back to your house and you have until 8 to have all your stuff packed and ready" he say and I nod.

I don't think I understand what I just signed my life into.

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