Thank You

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So, that's it over... well now I have no clue what to do with my life...

Thank you all so much for reading this story, I am so sad to have it end because it has really become my life at this point. I really don't know what to do now. 

But also, funny coincidence, this book and the first book have the same amount of chapters. I did not intend for this to happen but it did and it makes me feel weirdly happy. 

But again, thank you for reading. And thank you for voting, and commenting, and just generally being so amazing. You are all amazing. 

I still cannot believe it's done. I finished an entire book, I'm proud of me. 

Love you all so much, this has been amazing.

The Only One - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now