Black Lives Matter.

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It breaks my heart to see what black people are still going through. It angers me to see how the police, people who chose a job to protect us, are doing tremendous harm to a race simply because of their color. Yet I will never feel the amount of sadness, fear, anger and tiredness that the black community feels. To any black reader that I have, my heart aches for you. It has now and it has before and as long as racism still exists, it will ache for you. I'm so sorry for what this cruel world puts you through. But you are not alone in this fight. The Hispanic community is on your side. We are fighting this fight with you. Every person of color needs to speak up. It's not a time to be silent anymore. Spread awareness on social media. Post links to places to donate and petitions to sign. If you are able to, protest and go prepared. The cops are getting nastier out there and I hate seeing videos of peaceful protest being ruined by the cops. Please if you're going to protest, bring protection. If you're going to take pictures, take a screenshot of the picture and delete the original. Turn off your data and put on airplane mode. Bring protective eyewear and masks. Unfortunately, I can't go protest or donate but I'm signing as many petitions as I find and I'm spreading awareness. There is a video you can watch that donates for you. Make sure to let the ads go through and watch it all. Please guys, do your part. If anyone needs to reach out to someone because it's affecting their mental health, I'm here. To the black community, I love you. Your lives are and always will be important.

Watch this video to donate!!!

(This link leads to multiple petitions you sign.)

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