Chapter 6: Horror movies and ice cream

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We park in front of the park and everyone comes down from the bikes, it was actually really fun, I come down and I can't wipe the smile off my face.

"So, how was it?" Ryan asks smirking, and everyone looks at me

"Good" I say, shrugging and walk away , he chases me, laughing and Carries from behind, swinging me up in the air.

"Ryan put me down, everyone's looking" I say but I can't stop laughing.

Some people stare at us and smile, while some scowl, a couple passes us and the lady slaps the man at the back of his head

"Ow" the man says rubbing the place she hit him

"Why can't you be more like him? all you do is work work work, I wish I was 4 years younger" she says pouting and the man picks her up and twirls her too and we laugh.

He puts her down and she's flustered.
"We should be leaving now, Have fun, it's obvious you two are in love" the man says and Ryan puts me down

"Oh, no no, we're not, we're not dating" I stutter, blushing

"But we could be, just say the word sweetheart" Ryan teases

"Oh young love" The lady says and they laugh and walk away

"You flirt, seriously?!" I yell, smiling, I look around "Where's everyone?" I ask and we start looking around for them

"Found them" Ryan says, pointing to a line for the ferris wheel, we run to them

"Seriously guys? Not cool" I say

"Well you guys were clearly enjoying yourselves, didn't want to disturb you" Vincent says, smirking

"Whatever. so, rollercoaster?" I ask

"They insisted" Jake says, frowning

"Awww, is Jakey poo scared" I tease and everyone laughs while Jake glares at me

We pay and get on our seats, Drake and I share, making Ryan pout and I laugh

We get buckled in and they start it.

"Woah!" I say laughing, holding on tight to Drake's hand, it's warm and comfortable, he smells like cinnamon and coconut

I know, weird combination, but I love it

When the ride finishes, we all come down, flustered

"So, movie?" I ask

"Hell yeah!!" They say and we run to the bikes.


"Oh my god, do you remember the way he came at her, it was like so scary"

"Yeah and that guy with one eye that ate the baby girl"

"Oh, or the flying doll, the one that busted into pieces at the end, it went like BOOM!!!"

"Or the-"

"It's enough! I hated that movie, I wonder how you guys could even look at the screen, Now I won't be sleeping for a week" I say, still shaken up

"Awww shortcake's scared" Vincent teases

"Dude, you're lucky you didn't sit beside her, as much as I'd loved to cuddle her, I don't think I'll be able to hear a thing for 2 weeks" Ryan says

"Me too" Drake says

"That's for making me watch a horror movie" I say, sticking my tongue out

"So, spitfire's not all that tough" Vincent smirks

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