Chapter 30: Badboys don't know what love is.

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Ryan's POV

I storm into their practice and see Dylan seated on his drum set, he stands up as he sees me and I notice the fear that flashes through his eyes.

Bastard remembers.

"Dylan" I growl and he comes to me

"She told you? Bro, I'm sorry, so fucking sorry, it shouldn't have happened, it was all me, she didn't do anything. I took advantage of her crying, so sorry" he says, raising his hands in the air, that's new, he never takes the blame, he must really like her.

What the fuck am I doing?

What is wrong with me?

Why do I care?

And what's this burning sensation in my heart?

I punch him, once, twice, thrice and then I stop. He looks at me, not bothering to block anyone. Then he chuckles

"Yeah, I deserved that" he mumbles, slightly touching the bruise on his cheek. "You sure know how to pack a punch" he groans and laughs and we hug.

"Well, totally not what we were expecting" A voice says from the door and I break the hug, I knew Vincent and Danny were going to follow me.

Dylan laughs too. "Yeah man, totally not what I was expecting too" He says and everyone laughs.

Suddenly, Missy is in front of him, glaring at him from her short height,I think shortness runs in their family.

"I told you not to touch her" she growls and I back up, she actually looks a little scary right now.

She jumps on him, slapping him, while he tries so miserably to save his 'precious' face.

Danny pulls her up from him and she trashes for him to let her go, he whispers something in her ear and she blushes, stopping her movements. They kiss and he takes her to a corner and they sit down cuddling.

I roll my eyes at the lovey dovey couple and sit down, pulling out my book and pen from my bag and start writing the new lyrics that come to my head.

You locked away our love

In dark rooms and closed doors

You never showed me the world

You never showed that I'm yours

Baby this thing we have

It's toxic love.

"Hey dude, I have a bad feeling in my gut" Danny says behind me and I face him. Everytime he says he has a bad feeling in his gut, something's wrong.

"What is it?" Vincent asks, sitting beside me and Danny follows.

"I have a bad feeling" He says and Vincent looks like he's thinking.

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