Chapter 21: Blinded with love and money.

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Drake's POV

The boys have been going crazy ever since we left the principal's office, I was mad too at some point, but I decided to cool down, but, he's hurting Cindy and- fuck that makes me angry again.

It hurts that she probably cares about the asshat more than she cares about us, and as you guys already know, I like her.

Yep, but I won't act on it. Never. again. I seriously regretted kissing her that day, I mean, I liked it, I felt so many things, but she didn't and that gave me a clear signal.

And I think it's pretty much obvious that she has feelings for Ryan. I just don't know what's going on with she and Anderson, I think he's blackmailing her or something.

I've seen Cindy smile and laugh a lot of times, but she hasn't been doing that lately, and it's all because of that fucker.

I take it back, I am mad. I'm not as at Anderson, I'm just mad that he's hurting her,I know, you probably think I'm stupid, but I know exactly what is wrong with him, because it is the same thing my dad has.

It is the reason why I always fight with my parents, Danny knows he does but he won't believe it, My dad is a sadist, and no that doesn't hurt to say, because I don't care about him.

I'm teammates with Anderson, and we play pretty close to each other, I know he gets high before every game, I've told him to stop once, but he brushed it off, and I let him, it's not like we're friends or anything.

I know exactly what makes him call freshmen or juniors to the Lockeroom and beat them up, to his friends it's bullying, to him it's something else. Most times, it's either me or Duncan that talks sense into them.

That guy's a sadist, just like my dad. And I hate my dad, because he keeps on hurting my mum, but she won't say anything, because she's just a goldigger, I love her to death, but I'm pretty sure the only thing she loves is money and I'm pretty sure that's the only reason she's sticking around.

And I hate the fact that my family is so blind to what my dad is, I've advised him to go see a therapist, but everytime I say that, he gets angry, mum gets angry, Danny gets angry, and then, it's like I'm the monster.

I've tried yelling Danny, but he's so blinded by his stupid love for that man, and what he says is I'm jealous, jealous of their close relationship, but I'm anything but that.

Let's leave all this sappy shit, I need to take everyone out, maybe a walk or something, just cool them down a bit. Principal Mollins suspended Ryan and Vincent, the rest of us just have a week detention.

But Cindy didn't come to school today, and neither did that fucker, but first things first, I have to get my guys out.

I call Ryan

'Hey man'

'Hey, what's up?'

'How you feeling? your knuckles were pretty bruised'  I ask and he laughs, but it's not a happy laugh, it's a deep dark laugh, that only tells me, he's remembering the marks on Cindy.

'Yeah, fucker has a thick skin, my knuckles hurt as hell'

'Hey, Cindy come to school today?' He asks, trying to sound nonchalant, but his voice gives its all away. He cares more than he wants to.

'Naw man, she must have been tired'

'You and I know she was with Anderson. fuck, anybody but Anderson' he mutters

'Yo man, I was thinking we should all go out for a walk, no motorcycles, just clear our heads'

'I would have loved that, but Vincent and I are going somewhere, and we won't back till late night'

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