Chapter 47: A date to remember

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This chapter is probably gonna have a lot of pictures because I am an indecisive rabbit. Hehe😅

Cindy's POV

"I'm just not hungry. I ate a very heavy breakfast" I counter and Amelia scoffs

"I've always told you that breakfast is not supposed to be a heavy meal, but you insist on ignoring me"

"It's not my fault that I can't resist Martha's food" I grumble and Ryan chuckles, leaving a kiss on my forehead.

Once we leave the cafeteria, I go over to music class. I sit beside Quentin immediately. He looks flustered.

"I know you're usually red and all, but, what's making you so nervous and jittery?" I ask and he turns redder.


"-I think I'm uh, I thought I wasn't. I mean, I had feelings for you" He stutters, looking at the ground and realisation dawns on me.

He told me about his 'slight' attraction to Salvador. A boy on the basketball team. He's nice and hot too. Everyone knows he's gay. At least, there are no homophobic people in my school. At least, none that I know of.

He said that he got drunk during the Ryan's party. The one we did after the new years party. Then the next morning he woke up in Salvador's bed, naked.

He was sure they had sex, but he left before Salvador woke up. Since then they both gave each other googly eyes. Or, according to Quentin, little glances.

It's been a while since the party. I can't believe that very soon we'll be leaving this school for college.

"Maybe your bisexual" I say and he blushes but nods.

"Are you um- are you-"

"Eun Sung ho, I swear if you are asking me if I would still like to be friends knowing that you are bi, I will slap the hell out of you" I growl and he laughs.

"Sorry" he says, sheepishly and I roll my eyes.

"Besides, I've always wanted a gay friend"

"Bi" he corrects and I roll my eyes.

"Gay, homo, bi, whatever. Anyone you are, i would still love to be friends with you. I think you need to do something about it though. Just googly eyes can't give you guys a label" I say in a sing sing voice and he blushes.

"I-i can't"

"So you admit you like him then?" He turns redder, at this point, he just looks like a tomato, very red juicy one.

"I-I do"

"Can you remember what happened that night?"

"Y-yes. It was great" he sighs, dreamily. Immediately looking down at the realisation of what he had just done. I laugh.

"It's fine. I'm guessing you were the bottom?" I tease and he glares at me, we laugh, both knowing that he was.

"Cindy, Quentin. Would you like share the source of your amusement to the class?" Mrs Shelly asks and Quentin shrinks down his chair. I shake my head at him, mumbling a 'no' to Mrs Shelly.

She continues teaching.

"Looks like, I'm gonna play matchmaker" I whisper to him, seeing his horror filled face, laughing and facing the board.


"Be ready by six, okay?" Ryan says, pressing a chaste kiss to my forehead and leaves.

I squeal once I get in. I'm going on a date with Ryan.

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