Chapter 24: Italian boy's the DD

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Vincent's POV

"Mi dispiace di essermi mai unito a questa merda" I tell the bastard, and I really do. Fuck, the boys warned us.

The bastard just laughs.'Oh boy, sorry about that then, I told you, once you're in you're in, and you better warn Fox, if he doesn't go through with the plan, I will hurt your precious little friend. I have someone working for me in her house, cameras all over. I must say, she has quite the parents. I doubt they'd care if she died.' He says, laughing. Bastard thinks it's funny!

'Marco, please don't touch her, please. Fuck, we'll do it, we will'

'Good boy. Now leave me alone, I have business' The bastard hangs up. I growl. If he hurts Cindy, I will kill him.

if Ryan doesn't do it first...

I stay outside for a while, trying to calm myself down, trying to get the image of a bleeding Cindy out of my head. I'm not one to let people in. I have so many secrets that I try to act all happy and Cherry on the outside.

My mum is just a heartless little bitch. She left us, Sofia, dad and I. Stole every single dime we had and ran away. We left Italy immediately. Left all memories of her.

When we moved here, I was just one cold quiet boy sitting shaggy blonde hair, who sat at the back of the class. Until, they walked up to me.

Ryan and Jake. I ignored them for a while, but it was becoming very hard to. They were popular around the school, so I was surprised as to why they were talking to me.

Jake being his goofy self and Ryan with his corny ass jokes. I cracked. We soon started hanging out and it made me feel good. Then we met Drake and Danny. Danny was pretty blunt when he said my hair made me look like a dork.

Drake punched him and he laughed, saying he was joking, but I knew he wasn't. I didn't like the hair anyway. So I cut it, then styled it. I've loved it ever since. After a break, I came back to school, a new person entirely.

To say everyone was shocked will be an understatement, news spread quickly and then they named us the five. I felt good.

But, there's one person that always stuck to my memory, hazel eyes and attitude as fiery as her hair, red. She was always filled with rage. I met her in middle school, on my first day of school.

When I was still the cold statue, but her beauty was inexplicable. She was just 13 but she looked like a goddess. She wore all black, which contrasted with her pale skin, her slightly red small lips.

I had a huge crush on her. She was a year older than me, but I didn't mind. She hated people, or at least everyone in our school. Funny, I never even got her name.

"Shaggy" she said, brushing her red hair away from her eyes, they always fell back, my fingers where itching to help her, so I fisted them at my sides.

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