Chapter 19: Fucked up families

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Cindy's POV

I tiptoe into my house at exactly 8am, there's no way I'll be able to make it to school. Wow Cindy, two absences, that's a lot for my record.

Just as I'm about to go up the stairs, someone calls me

"Cindy Arla Jones! Where did you sleep last night?!" My dad booms and I flinch, this feels so weird it has never happened before, probably because they're never around.

I scoff. "I had a sleepover at Amelia's" if he knows who she is.

"Your friend? The brunette?"

"Yeah, that one" I say, yawning, I'm so tired

"You didn't mention one"

"Not like you care anyways" I snap back, i just want to go sleep!

He just sighs, shaking his head "I do care" he says, sounding resigned, i almost falter, but i know it's all an act

"Look, I'm really tired, can I go to my room now?" I say, calmly, yawning again.

"If you had a sleepover then why are you this tired?" He asks, squinting his eyes at me, staring suspiciously

"Uh-we we-we pulled an all-nighter" I shrug

"On a school night?"

"It was stupid, I know, I just want to go to my room, goodbye" I say, climbing the stairs

"So no school?!" He asks, but I'm already slamming my door.

I bounce on my bed and I'm out.

Chase's POV⚠️

This contains talk about personality disorder, if you do not like to read about Sadism or drugs and mental disorders, I recommend that you skip this pov and go to the next chapter. But as for those who can, please continue.😁

I wake up, my hands wandering, looking for the sunshine that was here beside me, when I don't feel anything, I open my eyes

Shit, she's gone. Damn it, I feel it, I'm semi hard, she slept beside me one night, and I have blue balls damn it Chase, you're a goner!

My head fucking hurts, Fox sure knows how to pack a punch and he gave me thousands.

I groan, resting my head on her pillow, inhaling her strawberry scent, damn, I love this girl and it makes me scared, scared that she doesn't love me back, who am I kidding I know she doesn't.

She's got the hots for Fox and both Fox and the second Lacanster have got it bad for her, though I know Fox won't admit it.

If only China fucking Lain didn't screw me up, we'd still be in a happy relationship and she might be head over heels for me too.

Fucking bitch!

My life hasn't been the easiest lately, I find out after 17 years of my life that My mother isn't my mother and that my real mother was killed by my dad

I always knew my dad wasn't a good man, but fuck I never knew he was a murderer and to think that she knew about it, but she didn't tell me

I know they won't have ever told me If I didn't eavesdrop on their conversation, Maybe that's why I act like a monster because I'm just like my dad, just like that beast!

I hate hurting Cindy, I fucking hate it, but she's so fucking stubborn and I have anger issues and the problem of hurting the person closest to me, I don't know what the fuck that stupid psychiatrist called it, but she doesn't know shit.

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