Chapter 39: Poison and confessions

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Cindy's POV

"Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
And the memories bring back
Memories bring back you" I end in a soft voice, ignoring the serious pain in my stomach.

Mrs Shelly squeals, she does that a lot.

"Guys, that was beautiful, you sounded like Angels!" She says and they laugh at her childish behaviour.

"Are you okay? You've been looking pale since you came" Quentin asks and I give him a small smile, I've been feeling nauseous since I ate breakfast this morning.

"I-I'm f-fine" I say, as the pain in my stomach increases. I stagger and he holds my shoulders, helping me out of the room. Once we stumble out of the room, I feel it coming and I push out of his arms and run to the grass, puking my guts out.

I feel him hold my hair up as the whole music team gathers around me. The puking doesn't stop. I ate quite a lot this morning. When I think it's over, I cough and start puking again, this time, it's clear, like I'm puking water, but dirty water.

I feel disgusting. Someone starts pouring water from my hair down and I wash my face. Quentin ties my damp hair in a tight bun. He Pat's my back as I stand straight.

"Cindy! Cindy! What's wrong?!" Mrs Shelly yells, running out of the school with a girl behind her as she holds my shoulders.

"What's wrong sweetie? Did you eat something bad?" She asks and I shake my head, I only ate breakfast and I know Martha would never no-no, what am i thinking? It can't be food poisoning.

Suddenly she gasps.

"Are you, are you pregnant?" She 'whispers', and people start murmuring.

Quentin's eyebrows furrow.

"Mrs Shelly, come on! It's probably just food poisoning" Quentin says, but he doesn't sound too convincing. The murmurs don't stop.

"I-I'm not preg-" I puke again. Spewing out coloured water. Oh God... People start moving back and scrunching their noses. I scrunch mine too.

They all start leaving, but Quentin stays, still holding up my hair. I take the water he gives me and rinse my mouth, very well and rinse my face.

I stand up straight again.

He's not even scrunching his nose. He smiles. I groan at the pain in my stomach, clutching it. His eyes flicker to it and I see the question in his eyes, but he just smiles

"Pretty bad food poisoning" he says, handing me a gum. I quickly put it in my mouth. It's peppermint.

"Thanks" I say to him and a 'frozen' Mrs Shelly.

I walk to my car, more like wobble, I almost fall again but Quentin is quick to catch me.

"I don't think you can drive in this condition. Let me drive you home" He says and I shake my head.

"I-I'm f-fine, urgh!" I groan, as my head spins. I'm getting very dizzy now.

"Cindy! Cindy!" Quentin yells and the next thing I know he pours the remaining water on my face, I open my eyes wide and he chuckles.

"I need you to stay awake okay?" He says, taking me to the passenger seat after waving to Mrs Shelly. He enters the driver seat and does my seat belt and his.

"Address?" He asks and I tell him, he puts it on the GPS and starts driving. My eyes flutter close and he puts his hand on my hand. I open them.

"Your phone" He asks and I give him. He stops at a red light and scrolls through it, I feel too dizzy to question him.

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