Chapter 31: A song for you

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Cindy's POV

I wake up with a pounding pain on my head. I groan, but feel a mask on my mouth. Gas, urgh! I hate this things.

I open my eyes and see Drake and Missy passed out on the couch. I smile at the way Drake's arm is around her and her head is on his lap, Danny would so kill him if he saw this.

I try to sit up, but I feel pain in my neck. I touch it just as the machine beside me starts to beep. There's a bandage on my neck.

A nurse runs inside the room, looks at the machine, gives me two pills and a cup of water which I quickly take to make the pain subside and then she leaves.

Vincent rushes in, also looking tired. Did they all sleep here?

He smiles and I give him a small smile before he hugs me, just with a little pressure, he holds me like I'm China ware for about a minute.

I flinch a little, but relax when I scent his familiar cologne.

He kisses my hair.

"You scared me. We all went crazy" he says, letting out a dry laugh, his voice dry and croaky.

"For how long was I out?" I ask, trying to push the memory of what Chase did away.

"A week" he says and I almost scream

"Wow. Sorry if you guys were worried"

"Worried? We were frantic. But don't apologise, it's not your fault in anyway. The guys are going to be so happy when they get here." He says, still hugging me. I melt in his arms.

He releases me and smiles, looking at Drake and Missy

"They didn't leave your side for once. This is actually, one of the few nights they slept" he says, looking awash.

"How's everyone been doing?" I ask

"Not so great without you. The band cancelled their gig on Wednesday"

"Why would they do that? I'm perfectly fine."

"Sweetie, it's Dylan's band and he felt that it won't be fair to you, not to be there, considering he thinks it's his fault that..." he trails off and I understand. I give him a nod, telling him I understand.

"Okay. I'll go call the others okay?" He says, turning to leave.

"Vincent" I call and he turns around

"Ryan?" I ask, in the tiniest of whispers.

"He's getting out of jail today" he says, frowning and my eyebrows furrow.


"Yeah, um, the night that...stuff happened, he uh, kinda beat Anderson to a pulp if not worse. So they just put him there for a week. Dylan went to get him, he's been here too"

"Oh" I say, my face falling, he went to jail because of me. That makes me feel bad, but also kinda pleased that he would do that for me.

"No no no, it's not your fault, he was just being Ryan, acting out of impulse, but he's getting out today" he rushes out and I smile.

"Okay. You can go. Thanks" I say as he leaves

"I'l be back, with the guys!"

I sigh and close my eyes to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of chattering and I look around. Everyone is here. I smile, they haven't noticed I'm awake yet. Ryan's here too and he looks as nice as always.

"Hey" I croak out in a soft weak voice. Jake turns around.

"She's awake" he announces to the room and they all look at me and come closer. I shrink under their gazes until I pull up my blanket and cover my face. I feel a finger trace my face, nose, lips, bandage, and I feel a rush of satisfaction.

I hear someone clear their throat and the finger goes away. I almost whine.

"I-uh, I'll be back" Ryan says and I hear the door close.

"You can't hide under there forever, How are you?" Dylan asks and I smile.

"I'm fine"

"Great. So guys, when is Cindy getting discharged?" He asks us and Danny shrugs

"About in a week or two, they don't want her to strain her neck." Amelia says, leaning down to hug me, I involuntary flinch and she notices, she frowns but hugs me again.

"Poor girl's probably scarred for life. Oh cindy, I was so worried. Your mom and dad were worried." She says and I scoff

"Yeah right. Probably because they don't want their business world to be damaged by my actions" I say and she smiles.

"Cindy" Missy whispers and they all take that as a cue to leave us alone.

Missy holds my hands, tracing something on it. I smile, the game we always played when we were younger.

I close my eyes and try to feel what she's writing.

I closed my eyes in pain
Realising what little I had done for you
And I'm sorry that I let you down
Sorry that i was away
But i need u to know that I love you.

A tear drops from my eyes as she stops, she's blaming herself.

"You wrote a song?" I ask and she smiles

"Yeah. Yeah I did. I'm sorry Cindy" she whispers.

"It's fine" I say and her smile drops

"It's not fine Cindy. You say that a lot and as much as I wish it were true I know it's not. It's part of the lyrics"

"Can u sing it for me?" I ask and she laughs

"My voice's not as good as yours but I'll try" she says and sits on the bed. I close my eyes as she starts.

"Hey little sister
Thought I should let it know
That I'm sorry
I was so caught up in my world
I didn't notice you were breaking
Right in front of me
So I wrote this song to tell you how I feel...

I closed my eyes in pain
Realising how little I had done for you
And I'm sorry that I let you down
Sorry that I was away
But I need you to know that I love you
I need you to know that I care for you.
That I love you.

And I don't care what our parents think
But I think you're a little sunshine
There's this light inside you
And it's fading
So I'll bring it back
Make it bright
For you.

Dear little sister..."

I sink into the lyrics, as I feel a tear drop on my cheek, Missy's crying.

"Hey, it's fine. Really" I whisper just as I close my eyes to sleep

"No Cindy, no it's not..." Is all I hear before you fall into the abyss of sleep.



This was more of a filler chapter.

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