Chapter 14: Mini strippers club

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Cindy's POV

After Missy and I's emotional breakdown a man in a suit called them and is speaking to them with some other men, it's so obvious that Dylan is giddy, I laugh. kid.

Ryan and Vincent aren't back yet but no one seems to notice, they're all partying.

I bring out my phone and go to the mirror app, I notice that my face is stained with black tear streaks from my eyeliner, I cringe and go to Mia

"I need to use the toilet, I'll be back" I say, she nods and I leave to look for the toilet. I've never been here before so I have no idea where the toilet is.

And I'm not going to ask just anyone here, you never know who's a rapist , not taking any chances.

I tap on a waiter and she sizes me up, points to a black door and leaves, oh well...

I walk over to the black door, not bothering to read what's written on the door. As I enter I hear music and I realise that it's like a VIP mini strip club

As I turn to leave, someone closes the door and holds me back, I turn to see a man with gold hair in a mohawk, very light blue eyes and a very pale skin, he reeks of too much perfume and alcohol it's so bad

I refrain from scrunching my nose

"You're finally here" he says and sizes me up "This is the first time they sent a perfect one, where have they been hiding you? Selfish idiots, at least my money's worth it, you're a bit young though" he says and I try to release my hand from his grip

"I'm sorry but you've got the wrong person, I thought this was the toilet, i-" he cuts me off by pulling me towards another door, I try to release myself but his grip only becomes tighter

I feel my skin start to burn so I stop struggling, he opens the door and drags me in, not even bothering to close it, I decide that I have no choice but to beg

"Please don't rape me, they're so many strippers here, that will love to keep you company" I plead but he just laughs

"Oh darling, as much as I'll love to keep you to myself, you've already been rented for tonight"

"R-rented? but-"

"Oh first, we need to get you out of this dress, it's too long, Vanessa!" He calls and a girl in black shorts and a black bra, it's far too revealing, but she's very pretty though.


"Change her and please clean up this mess on her face" he says, snapping his fingers and about six girls come out, they pull me to the mirror, undressing me

"Girls, this is a misunderstanding-"

"Sit here" A girl says and pushes me down to sit, how rude!

They ignore all my protests, I swear it's like they're robots working. When they're done, they drag me back to the man and he drags me out to a group of men sitting

I struggle, trying to push him away, but he's far stronger than me.

We stop in front of the seated men, they all look like they're in their early forties but one of them is facing back.

"Let me goooo!" I whine, still struggling, then he slaps my butt and whispers in my ear

"Behave, or you'll die" he sneers and I cringe

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