Chapter 35: Homecoming is So NOT fun

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Danny's POV

We come out of the limo as Gerald stops in front of the makeshift red carpet.

We come down and some people take our pictures. Celeste wraps her hands tightly on my arm and I try to tell her release her grip a bit.

I really wish I was here with Missy, but after their gig last week Wednesday, she's been so busy. About 7 music industries are interested in them and they go for meetings and practices almost every day, she said she was fine with me taking another girl to the dance but I know she wasn't.

I sigh as I watch Cindy and Drake, they're walking, arm in arm and Cindy's giving everyone a blinding white smile.

She looks really gorgeous tonight. I bet if Missy was here, she wouldn't even be wearing a dress, she'd be wearing a purple tank top, leather jacket, shorts and biker boots. But I'd still proudly go in with her.

The place is already crowded, but I look at the designs. It's beautiful, they really tried. I walk up to Lindsy, with Celeste sticking to me like a leach.

"This is beautiful, you guys are awesome" I tell her and she smiles.

"Most of the designs were Amelia's ideas actually, since she's student body president and all." She says, shrugging and I smile.

"Baby I need a drink" Celeste says, batting her eyelashes, I bite my tongue to refrain myself from telling her she looks like cartoon character.

I grit my teeth and walk to the fruit punch bowl, I get a cup for her and hand it over. I don't drink anything at these things.

She giggles and takes it. She sees her fellow cheerleaders and FINALLY goes over to them.

I sigh in relief and I feel a pat on my shoulder, cinnamon scent...


"Having fun with your date big bro?" He teases and I roll my eyes as he laughs. His laughter stops as his eyes land on Cindy, she's talking to Amelia and Jake and they're laughing, she really look nice.

"Your date looks gorgeous" I say and the hazy look in his eyes clear up immediately as he turns to me.

"Yeah. Yeah she does" He says, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. I sigh


"I'm good, she likes Ryan I know, I'm getting over it." He says, frowning and walks away.

Only looking out for you lil bro.

"Sweetie, can you get me another drink, I spilled mine by mistake, clumsy me" Celeste say in front of her friends and they giggle.

I notice a short girl, in a white short dress, drenched in fruit punch as she storms outside in tears.

Her eyes follow mine and she chews her nails nervously,

"Oops?" She said and I shake my head and walk away.

This is so NOT fun.

"Hey guys, so it's the time we've all been waiting for! Our homecoming King and Queen!!" Amelia announces on the stage and many people cheer.

"May our nominees please come to the stage with their dates" She says and Luca goes up with his date, Drake goes up with Cindy, who looks extremely nervous, And I go up with Celeste, I look down at her shaking form, she looks like she's about to explode.

"Oh just take a look at these handsome gentleman and beautiful ladies, our lovely students" Amelia says in a faux British tone, horrible one at that. I chuckle.

She winks at me and smiles. I smile back.

"So, our homecoming king for the 2019/2020 session is..." she trails off

The hall becomes as silent as Cindy's house was when she came downstairs, so silent.

"Is..." she pauses again and I inwardly groan, this suspense thing does not work for me. All I want to do is go to the band house and fuck Missy. Excuse my French.

"Is...." Oh God... I feel like snatching that paper from her hand and crowning Drake as the king.

"...Drake Lacanster!!!" She announces and the crowd goes wild. I look at my brother, other than than the small smirk on his face, he looks bored.

I laugh, join the party lil bro.

Amelia puts the crown on his head and he stands there. Cindy is the first to leave the stage and I see her quickly go to her purse, she takes 2 pills and I frown.

I hope she doesn't overdose.

We come down from the stage and I immediately go to Cindy as Amelia calls for the nominees for the Homecoming queen.

"Are you okay?" I ask and she coughs and drinks water, she looks up, her eyes look a bit red,

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just an anxiety attack that's all" She says, brushing it off and I see her eyes land on Heather and Ryan, Heather gives him a kiss and he kisses her back, before she climbs the stage alongside China and a girl I do not know.

I see a tear fall from her eyes and she quickly cleans it, being careful not to ruin her makeup. She really does love the bastard and he loves her too, but he just won't believe it! Times like this I feel like I knocking some sense into him.

What the fuck is he even doing with this Heather girl in the first place?!

"Excuse me" She says and leaves the hall. I quietly follow her and breathe a sigh of relief when she enters the toilet. I return to the hall.

I walk up to Lindsy

"Cindy just went to the toilet, she didn't look to good, please go check on her" I say and she nods and runs out of the hall. I face the stage.

"...Heather Lawson!!!" Amelia announces and Heather smiles as Amelia wears the crown on her head. They tell Drake and Heather to stand together.

They take their pictures and Drake doesn't even smile, yet he still looks handsome. I swear I love my brother to death. I realised that what he had been saying about dad was true, the day I entered his room at night and saw mum on the floor, in tears and he was watching her with lust filled eyes.

That was the day I realised he was a monster. I had to beg him to go see a therapist and he finally listened to me. He's been getting better now. We told mum to go stay with her parents for a while, to help his recovery.

I'm so happy because we will finally be one happy family.

He comes down from the stage and I give him a bro hug

"Totally didn't expect it bro"

"I did" I tell him and give him a pat on his back. He smiles.

"Do you know where Cindy is?" He asks, looking around.

"Toilet" I say

"Babe, let's dance, all my friends are dancing!" Celeste whines, looking up at me and dragging me to the dance floor.

Drake laughs and winks at me and I inwardly groan.

This is so NOT fun!


Hey guys!

I can't believe it.

This is my third update today. New record for me.

I might post another today, but no promises cause right now, I'm going to sleep.

Bye guys!

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Shout out to koyidekanyinsola0 for voting for all the chapters. Thanks sweetie😘.

Love ya'll!!!

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