Chapter 5

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Esme POV
It's been just over a week since I met the hype house. I've been keeping in touch with them, especially Ondre, we've been texting a lot.

I've managed to get all the boxes unpacked at my new home. I just need to decorate it and make it my own. I was still a bit overwhelmed that I'm here by myself but I know it's best for me.

I had just finished my workout and I heard my phone buzz. Ondre wanted to FaceTime me.

Incoming call from Ondreaz😎


I accepted and his face popped on my screen. "Hey Esme." He said happily. "Hey." I smiled. "I wasn't interrupting you was I?" He asked. He must have noticed I was sweating. "Oh no, I've just finished my workout. Sorry I'm a bit sweaty." I chuckled. "I was wondering if you're free, if you want to meet up with me?" He asked. "Yeah I would love to! When and where?" "What about tomorrow?" He asked. "I would love to Ondre." He grinned "Send me your address and I'll pick you up." He said. We both smiled. We ended up talking for a bit longer and then we said our goodbyes. I am so excited for tomorrow.

I decided to go to a few stores to get some more stuff for my home. I managed to get a few bits and pieces after a few hours of shopping. I never realised how much work it would take to make this home my own but I liked the challenge.

I Want You ~ Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now