Chapter 13

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Esme POV
We arrived at the mall and almost immediately we got recognised. A few young girls came up asking for a picture with the girls. None of them really knew who I was which didn't bother me. I loved watching them spend some time with their fans.

I suddenly heard a voice next to me. "Hi Esme." It was a young girl and she smiled so innocently. She couldn't be no older than 11 years old. "Hey. How are you?" I asked, smiling. "My name is Elle. Could I please get a photo with you? I love watching you on tiktok." "Of course you can Elle." I bent down so we were the same height and we took a few photos together. "Can I ask you something?" Elle asked. I nodded. "Are you and Ondreaz dating?"

I was not expecting that.

"We aren't dating." I replied. "I think you guys are really cute together. If you ever do date, please don't hurt him. He means a lot to me and his followers, and we don't like seeing him sad." She said. A half a smile appeared on my face. She was right. Ondreaz and Tony mean a lot to their followers. They have such an amazing and supportive fan base who only want the best for him. "I promise you with my heart, I would never hurt Ondreaz." I told Elle. She smiled and gave me a hug before running back to her parents.

After a few hours at the mall, we decided to head back to the house. We all walked in and the boys greeted us. I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink. I suddenly felt a pair of hands around my waist, turning me round. It was Ondreaz. "Tomorrow night we are going on our first date." He said. My mouth made a O shape. "Really?" I asked excitedly. Ondreaz nodded with a smirk on his face. He kissed my lips, bringing my body closer to him. I pulled away with a grin on my face. "Go and enjoy girls night. I will see you tomorrow." I smiled as he kissed my forehead.

I headed upstairs and told the girls about my date. They were all so happy for me. "We are definitely helping you to pick an outfit out." Mia said hugging me. The rest of the night was all about us girls and it was so much fun.

I Want You ~ Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now