Chapter 23

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~Skip a couple of weeks~

Esme POV
Jessie and Amelia have been in LA for the past 8 days and today was their last day. They had to get back home by Monday as they had some stuff to do with their families. I've loved having them here in LA.

We've all took a dance class together, we've had some girly days, we've went sight seeing, spent the day at the beach, and they've also spent a couple of days at the hype house. It's been so much fun. Everyone at the hype house loves the girls, they fit right in. I'm glad they approve of Ondreaz.

"Esme, Amelia wake up!!!" Jessie yelled. I groaned. "No let me sleep." "Fuck off Jessie." Amelia moaned. Jessie has always been a morning person. Amelia and I, not so much. "We need to get up and have breakfast, we've got an exciting day planned." Jessie said. "What are you talking about?" Amelia yawned, sitting up in bed. "Well I've made breakfast for us all and then we are going to Disney California." Jessie squealed. "Are you kidding?" Amelia asked excitedly. Jessie smiled. "Esme wake up, we're going to Disney." They both shouted. "I'm up, I'm up. Let's get ready and go." I said. We ate breakfast and got ready for the day.

We all got in my car and I drove to Disney California The girls were so excited to go as they've never been before. This is the perfect way to spend the last day with my girls. We arrived and I parked the car. Jessie was by far the most excited.

We've spent all day at the park and it was amazing. We've been on rides, got photos with characters and of course went to the souvenir shop. I got stopped for photos a few times which of course I agreed to. I never say no to a photo with a fan, they are the reason I am here today.

We talked about the hype house, my relationship with Dre, and the girls lives back home. They told me that my ex boyfriend, Jake's girlfriend cheated on him. It's karma. He did that to me, now karma hit him just as a hard. He knew how I felt when he did it and trust me I've moved on from that horrible past.

It was now time for us to go. We headed home and decided to get a McDonald's on the way back. We arrived home and the girls packed up the rest of their stuff. I can't believe they leave tomorrow. We all fell asleep as we were exhausted from today.

I woke up the next morning and the girls were still asleep. Wow, yesterday definitely worn them out. I made some breakfast for us and a few minutes later they were downstairs in the kitchen. "I can't believe you girls have to go back home." I said sadly. "I know I'm gutted but we've had such a good time catching up." Amelia said. "100% we will be coming back soon." Jessie added. "You girls better." I giggled.

We finished our breakfast and got ready. I was taking them to the airport. We put all of their stuff in the boot and we got in the car.

We arrived at the airport. I hugged them both as tightly as possible. "Please don't cry E!" Amelia said, trying not to cry. "You'll set me off." Jessie giggled, trying not to cry as well. "You girls are my sisters. Saying goodbye is always hard." I said, wiping my tears. "We'll FaceTime and speak everyday. It'll be like we never left." Amelias said. "You will never get ride of us that easy." Jessie said laughing. We all giggled. We said one last goodbye and they headed to the gate. I always hate goodbyes.

I Want You ~ Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now