Chapter 24

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Esme POV
Shock I was at the hype house again. Mia has brought a few of her friends round to the house today. She introduced us to them. They all seemed really nice apart from one girl, Rachel. She gave me a fake smile. I was so confused. I've just met her, what could I have possibly done to upset her.

All of the girls were sat in the living room. We wanted to get to know Mia's friends. I went to the kitchen and I heard a voice behind me. "Hey Esme." I turned around and it was Rachel, she sounded so fake. "Oh hey. Would you like a drink?" I asked nicely. "No thank you. I actually wanted to speak to you... alone." She said. "Oh okay. What's up?" "It's about you and Ondreaz."

Why would she want to know about us?

"What about us?" I asked confused. "How are things going with him?" "Really good thank you." I smiled and she rolled her eyes.

"I might have the wrong end of the stick here, but do you have a problem with me?" I asked. "I actually have a problem with you dating Ondreaz." She scoffed. I was shocked. "Why?" I asked defensively. "You don't deserve him. He should be with me." She looked so smug and full of herself. "Why the fuck would you say that?" I was getting angry. "Come on, look at him. He's hot, and sexy and well you..." she looked me up and down. "You're definitely not what he should settle for." She added. My blood was boiling. "Dre and I love each other and nothing will change that. Not even you." I spat. I walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs to the bathroom. I locked the door and sat and cried.

Was it true? Did I really not deserve Ondre? Should he be with someone better than me?

Why am I letting some random girl get in my head? I love Ondre and I know he loves me.

I got up and headed down to the pool with everyone else. I saw Ondre talking to the boys. He motioned for me to come over and see him. I walked over to him, he pulled me into him and he kissed me. "Where have you been?" He asked me.

Should I tell him about what Rachel said?

"Oh I went for a lie down, I didn't feel great." I lied. "Why didn't you tell me?" He was worrying. "I'm fine babe." He kissed the side of my head. I saw Rachel glaring at us. I cuddled into Ondre more.

I was cuddling with Ondre out by the pool. "Baby I'm going to go and get a drink, do you want anything?" He asked. "No thanks babe." He kissed my lips and headed inside. I started talking to Mia and Addison. We suddenly noticed that Rachel wasn't around. "Wait Ondre has been gone a while." I said.

The three of us headed into the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks and I felt my heart break. Rachel and Ondre were kissing. "What the fuck?!" I yelled. He pushed her off him. He looked shocked at the kiss. "Babe it's not what it looks like." He said. "Cut the bullshit Dre. After everything we've been through, this is what you do to me?" I yelled. "She came onto me." He said, tears filling up in his eyes. Rachel scoffed. "Oh please he wanted me." "No I didn't." He yelled. "I can't do this. I can't be here." I said.

I started walking to my car, with the rest of the house chasing after me. Ondre grabbed my wrist. "Baby please don't leave me." He begged. I saw Rachel standing at the door smirking. "You're welcome to each other." I said, the tears rolling down my cheeks. "I want you." He pleaded. I pulled my arm away from him.

I drove off, my heart was breaking as I drove down the street.

I Want You ~ Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now