Chapter 11

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Ondre POV
Just as I stood up the girls came downstairs. "Hey, can I borrow Esme for a minute?" I asked. The girls looked at her in excitement. I raised an eyebrow but they didn't say anything.

Esme POV
I followed Ondre to his room. I was a bit nervous. The girls had told me to open up to Ondre, I was anxious about how we would react.

I sat on the edge of his bed and he sat next to me. We sat in silence for a moment. "There's something I need to talk to you about." I said. "You can tell me whatever you want, I'll always listen." He put his hand on mine, sending shivers down my spine. "Please bare with me, it's a sensitive subject." He rubbed his thumb against my skin. "Take your time."

"Before I moved out to LA, I found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me. We were together for a year and I've been blaming myself ever since. When I told him I was moving to LA, I think that's when it all started. I felt so stupid because everyone was telling me I was in a toxic relationship but I didn't believe them. So because of Jake I've got trust issues. I didn't really deal with my emotions when we split up, I just kept them bottled up. When Sophie started saying all that stuff about me, it pushed me over the edge and I lashed out." I felt the tears running down my face. Ondre wiped his thumb over my face.

"Listen to me. You deserve to be happy with a guy who treats you like the princess you are. It breaks my heart knowing you went through all of that because you deserve a hell of a lot better. If you give me the chance, I will show you how you should be treated. We can take it slow and keep it out of the public eye if that's what you want." He said, his fingers running across my cheek. I smiled and intertwined my fingers with his. "I do like you but what about being a rebound and stuff?" I asked. "I promise you with my whole heart you won't be a rebound. Yes I was with Sophie but I've realised I was never truly happy with her. You make me happy every time I'm around you. I gravitate towards you like a magnet." He said tucking a bit of hair behind my ear. "You do?" I looked up at him. He nodded and smiled. I looked down at our hands. "Maybe we could see how things go?" I looked at him and his face lit up. "We'll take things slow but first I really want to do this." His hands went to my cheeks and our lips connected. I kissed back straight away. He pulled away and we both smiled. "Okay wow." I giggled. He chuckled. "Let's go downstairs." I gave him a quick peck before we left.

We headed downstairs and everyone wanted to know what happened. Ondre explained everything. "Yes!!! My new favourite couple." Addison said, very excitedly. "Woah we aren't there yet Addi." I giggled.

I I spent the rest of the day at the house. I was so happy I opened up to Ondre.

I Want You ~ Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now