Chapter 25

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Ondreaz POV
I watched her drive off and I couldn't do anything to stop her. I collapsed to the floor crying. I've lost my girl. The girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, just left.

"Come on bro, come inside." Tony said. I stood up and walked inside with everyone. "She'll be back." Addison said, slightly smiling. "She left me Addi. She left me." I cried and she hugged me. We headed inside and Rachel walked up to us with a smirk on her face. She wrapped her arms around me. "We can be together now." I pushed her off me. "I don't want you." I yelled, causing a few people to jump. "I want Esme." "We all know Esme doesn't deserve you. I want to be with you." She smirked. "What part of I don't want to be with you, do you not understand? You have ruined everything!" My voice was getting louder as I felt the anger take over me.

"Rachel I want you out of this house." Mia said, stepping in. "What?!" Rachel sounded shocked. "Ondre and Esme are my family and you've just ruined a perfect relationship. I don't want someone like that in my life." Mia said. "Fine. Mia you can fuck off I can get better friends, and Dre, don't come crawling to me when you realise that it's me who you should be with." She scoffed. With that she stormed out of the house.

"Ondre are you okay?" Thomas asked me. "What do you think? The love of my life thinks I'm a cheater and I've lost her." I screamed. "I just need to be alone." I sighed. I went upstairs and locked myself in my room.

I saw one of Esme's hoodies on my bed which made me break down even more. I sat down and smelt it. I need her back with me. I trashed my room in anger. I can't believe I thought Rachel was just being friendly. She knew I was crazy about Esme. I couldn't stop crying.

I heard a knock at the door. It was Tony. "Bro let me in please." Tony said, calmly. I sighed and unlocked the door. He walked in and was shocked at the state of our room. "Woah." He said looking around our trashed bedroom. "Sorry I was just upset. I'll clean it later." I said sitting down on my bed. "Don't worry about it." He sat next to me. "I've messed up haven't I?" I asked looking down. "No you haven't. Rachel was being a home wrecker. Let Esme calm down, she'll soon come back." Tony reassured me. "I hope you're right."

I spent the rest of the day in my room. I couldn't face anyone. I just want my girl back in my arms.

I Want You ~ Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now