Chapter 39

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Ondreaz PoV
I woke up and Esme wasn't next to me. I checked my phone and it was 10:30am. I had a text from Esme.

Sorry I didn't wake you babe. I've gone out with some of the girls for some air. I'll be back soon❤️

I smiled. She must be feeling a bit better today.

I had a shower and went downstairs for some food. "Morning guys." I said walking into the kitchen. "Morning. How's Esme doing?" Ryland asked. "I haven't seen her this morning. She's out with some of the girls for some fresh air." I said. Some of the boys and I made some tiktoks and Thomas did a vlog for his YouTube channel.

We heard the door open and the girls were back. "Guys we're back." Addison yelled walking in. Esme didn't seem her usual self. "I've missed you babe." I said bringing her in for a hug. She held me tight and buried her head into my chest. I pulled away and made her look at me. She had tears in her eyes. "Baby what's wrong?" I was getting concerned. I looked at the girls and they had a sympathetic smile on their faces.

Esme grabbed my hand and took me to my room. "What's going on? You're really worrying me." I said with a worried tone. "I didn't go and get fresh air with the girl. I was at a doctors appointment." She said. A worried expression took over my face. "What do you mean? Are you okay?" I started to fuss. "Can you stay here for 2 seconds. I need to grab something for you." I nodded with a confused look. She ran out the door and a couple of minutes later she came back with something behind her back. "I am so sorry I didn't tell you first. I was scared, I still am. Plus I wanted to be sure." She looked like she was about to cry.

She held her hands out and my eyes widened. "You're... you're pregnant." I said, taking the pregnancy tests from her hands. It was silent for a few minutes. "What... how?" I was shocked. "I think it was from Miami. We were having too much fun and you know..." "I can't believe it. I need some space." I started to walk out the door. "Dre." She grabbed my hand pulling me back to her. "Dre I need you more than ever. Please don't leave me." She was crying.

What am I doing? I can't leave her now. What kind of man would I be leaving my pregnant girlfriend?

"Baby this is so scary. We've talked about it but we thought this would happen in the future, not now. It's a lot to take in." I said, wiping her tears. "I'm going to make an appointment for an abortion." She said, crying. My jaw dropped. "You're what?" She shrugged. "It's for the best." She looked down and she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Baby listen to me." I lifted her chin up to face me. "I will do whatever you decide. It's your body. If you are sure that you want to go through with the abortion, I'll hold your hand the whole way through it. I promise I will never leave your side. But if you do want to keep the baby, I'll try and be the best dad possible." I said kissing her hand. "I love you so much Dre. I do want kids with you one day, you know I do. But I'm not ready to be a mom yet." She looked so broken.

I pulled her in for a hug. "I love you so much princess. I will be with you every step of the way." I said. She pulled away. "I'll ring the doctor now." I nodded. "Baby we need to tell everyone. They need to know what's going on." She shook her head. "I can't do it." She looked so scared. "I'll tell them. You make the phone call and I'll meet you downstairs." I kissed her forehead and went downstairs.

Did I want this baby? I am 23 years old. My brother had a baby when he was younger than me. This is going to be such a hard process, especially for Esme. I still can't wrap my head around that she's carrying my child.

I walked downstairs and got everyone to sit in the living room. "Bro is everything okay? You look like you've been crying." Tony said. I took a deep breath. "Esme's pregnant." I said. They all erupted into cheer. "But she's not keeping it." I added. "What?" Nick said shocked, they all looked shocked. "It's not the right time for us at the minute." A few tears fell down my cheeks. "How is she?" Charli asked. "She's okay. It's a lot to handle. She's making an appointment with the doctor now." I told them, wiping away the tears. "If you guys need anything, let us know. We're here for both of you." Thomas said, patting my back. "Thanks guys."

"Bro come here for a second." Tony said. I followed him into the kitchen. "How do you feel about the baby?" He asked. "I just told you." Tony raised his eyebrow, he knew I was lying. "I want a baby Tony. I want this baby." I cried. "You need to talk to Esme." He said. "It's her body Tony. I can't force her into having this baby." "She might change her mind if you talk to her." "I'm respecting my girlfriends wishes."

I saw Esme was now downstairs hugging the girls. My heart broke seeing her so upset. I walked over to her and gave her a hug. "I've got an appointment tomorrow. The doctor wanted me in as soon as possible." She told me. I hugged her tight and Tony gave me the 'talk to her' look.

I can't force her into having this baby.

I Want You ~ Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now