Chapter 9

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Esme POV
It's been a couple of days since the whole incident at the hype house. I've been messaging everyone at the house, they've ended up creating a group chat so I could be a part of it which was cute; I was also part of the hype house girls chat. I love these crazy people.

I've been a bit distant with Ondreaz. I didn't want to get attached to him to only end up as a rebound. I know he said I won't be a rebound but he's just broken up with Sophie. I've been a rebound before and it is heart breaking and I know it would hurt me a million times worse if it happened with him.

I've been on some auditions recently as well. My confidence needs to be improved but I know that'll come with practice. I think what happened at the hype house affected me, especially what Sophie said.

I was currently on FaceTime with Addison and Dixie. "So when are you coming back over to the house?" Addison asked. I sighed. "I'm not sure." "This isn't about Ondreaz is it?" Dixie asked. I didn't make eye contact with them but I knew they knew it was.

All of the girls know how I feel about Ondreaz. They were so ecstatic but they didn't know why I wasn't going through with my feelings.

"Esme he misses you, like we all do." Addison said. "Are you sure he's not just missing Sophie?" "No chance. I overheard him speaking to Tony about you. You have no idea how crazy is he about you." Dixie told me. "I just don't know if I'm ready to be in a relationship, especially since he's just got out of one." "What do you mean?" Addison asked. "Before I moved out to LA, I found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me. We were together for a year and I've been blaming myself ever since." I said wiping my tears away. "Ondreaz is nothing like that. He would treat you right." Addison reassured me. "You also need to stop blaming yourself. Your ex doesn't know he had an amazing girl but there's someone here that does know how amazing you are. You need to give him a chance." Dixie said. I started tearing up again. "Sorry, I don't mean to cry in front of you." "Girl come round so I can give you a hug." Addison said. I giggled. "Okay I'll come round within the next hour or so." They both screamed with excitement. I hung up and got ready.

I decided to FaceTime Amelia. I wanted to fill her in on everything. I knew Jessie was on holiday, so I would talk to her later. "Hey girl." Amelia said. "Hey A." "So how's LA?" She asked. "Well it's been interesting." "What's happened?" She asked. I told her everything and she was gobsmacked. "You did not punch her in front of the entire hype house?" I nodded. "You go girl. No one messes with you and gets away with it." She giggled. "I just snapped. I was so embarrassed that I did that in front of everyone but they loved it believe it or not."

"Have you talked to Ondreaz recently?" She asked. I shook my head. "Esme, why not?!" She sounded frustrated. "I don't want to be used as a rebound." I shrugged. "From what you have told me, I agree with the girls. Ondre sounds like he is crazy about you." "I am crazy about him Amelia, I'm just scared of getting hurt." I said, remembering what happened with Jake. "Listen to me! Ondreaz is not like Jake. You need to get that out of your head. Now put something hot on and go and see your man." She ordered.

I picked some outfits and Amelia chose the best one. "Message me later. I want to know every detail." She instructed. I giggled and said goodbye. I got in my car and headed to the house. Wow I am so nervous.

I Want You ~ Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now