Shock And Trouble

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Chloe's POV

I sit on the porch swing in the back snuggles in my blanket and stare off into space my mind completely blank after the bombshell Cody threw on me not even ten minutes before. Once the words left his mouth it's like I shut down, until my stomach got fussy again and I rushed to the bathroom. After I was settled enough, Cody helped me downstairs and outside to get some fresh air while he grabs us some cups of tea in the kitchen.

I jump when the door opens, revealing a very domestic looking Cody as he carefully balances two steaming cups of tea. He comes to hand me one, shaking out his hand before he turns back to close the back door behind him. Once it's closed, I still the softly swinging chair so that my small friend can climb onto it easily being careful with the hot beverage.

He settles on the seat and I begin to rock us softly, the both of us looking off into the clearing behind the house in a soothing silence, Cody leaning on me softly to offer comfort. I get the feeling he's waiting for me to speak up again and after a couple minutes of my mind going around and around, I finally do.

"I'm pregnant?" I ask him softly, one of my hands fluttering down to caress my stomach softly. As much as the idea is amazing it's also terrifying because as much progress as we've made this past two months, are we really ready to add a child into the mix? I let go of my stomach and grip the wolf pendant around my throat instead as Cody replies.

     "There's no doubt that you're pregnant, Chloe." He tells me and I'm not sure if it's an assurance or a death sentence for our relationship.

     I feel my eyes water in fear over Alex's reaction but I brave the conversation and continue. "How? How do you even know?" I don't mean for the question to come out so harshly but it does.

     I feel Cody shift away from me to look around the yard, his free hand coming to squeeze my arm as he answers my question. "I've been trying to get pregnant for two years." He exposes and I feel the pain in his voice straight into my chest. "Being an omega should make it easy but I'm a hybrid. Half human. And that little small insignificant fifty percent is stopping James and I from creating a family. So I did the next best thing, I helped all the wolves that could get pregnant. I babysit pups, I work in the pack hospital some days and I...."

He trails off as his voice gets watery and he sniffles and I set my cup between my legs and wrap my arms around this amazing strong bean. After a couple seconds of wiping his eyes he continues, though he clings on to me in support.

"James thinks it only makes my depression worse but being around those happy mothers and fathers makes me have hope. And when I came in today and smelled your scent changing, I knew immediately that you were living my dream." He tells me and the way my heart tears inside my chest should be illegal.

And suddenly I don't feel scared about having a child grow inside of me, I feel thankful, blessed even. Cody has just reminded me there are people in world who would and have killed to be in my position and I'm sulking about it.

"Don't worry, Cody, I know you're going to get pregnant and you're going to be the best parent in the world. You're already the best friend." I tell him, nudging him with my shoulder and he laughs a little trying his hardest to stop crying. We sit there a moment, swinging in the afternoon breeze, thinking about life before he speaks up.

"Are you going to tell Alex?" He asks quietly, and if it was anyone else that asked me I would be offended but I know Cody is only trying to look after our well-being.

I nod my head slowly in response shooting him a small smile. "I am. Not today though. I want some alone time with Tobias again before I do. I don't know, it only seems fair since it's his kid too. I want them to be there together when I tell them." I answer him, my voice growing more confidence as I do.

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