Chapter 1 Season 3 Episode 7 Wake up

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Kara wakes up to a brand new day with a smile on her face it has been 7 months since she lost her love Mon'El, she is just eating breakfast then she gets a text from Winn to come to the DEO.

Kara says "Winn, what's going on?"

Winn "there was a report from an underwater search team that they were attacked by unknown spacecraft underwater."

J'onn "Supergirl lets check it out"

J'onn, Winn, and Kara then teleport down towards the ship inside they see tubes with people inside.

Then in a corner, they see a figure with a gun Kara immediately uses her heat vision but the figure shots at her and then shouts in an unusual language Kara states that they are not here to hurt them.

The figure comes into the light it's Mon'El

Kara so shocked and happy comes to him to check he's real and gives him a massive hug she's crying.

Mon'El laid down on the DEO med bay bed exhausted. Kara stays next to him concern unsure of what's going on. Fast asleep he is. About half an hour later he wakes with Kara staring at him with concern in her eyes worried. Next J'onn and Winn come in asking if Mon'El is alright. Mon'El wakes up asking "Kara are you ok you look upset." Kara replies "I'm fine I have missed you so much I thought you were dead. Seven months of not knowing if you were alive or dead it was scary." Mon'El "I'm so sorry I didn't know how to contact you I'm so sorry I have missed you so much." Kara kisses his forehead.

He falls back to sleep later on he wakes up and checks if the coast is clear and runs to the nearest storeroom and picks up a device. Kara notices that he has gone and followed him to a storage area he's gone but she follows him and finds him on the way back to ship. She corners him and asks "what are you doing and where are you going?" Mon'El replies "I need to go back the other people will die if I don't repair the ship Kara please" Kara allows him to go back to the ship and she follows him.

Mon'El connects the device and checks the power it's stable Kara asks what's going on.

"Everything is normal but still concerned with the chambers but they seemed to be ok" Mon'El states about five minutes later Kara asks "Mon'El what's going on" Mon'El "I came here from the 31st century I went there through a wormhole after I left earth by accident I was there for about 7 years and I'm sorry for not telling you."Kara "It's ok I thought you were dead I was scared but I'm glad you are ok."Kara "Do you need any more help?" "No I'm ok, I'll get some rest I'll see you tomorrow goodnight." Mon el "Night" Kara

After a good night's sleep, Kara woke up about 7 am and contemplated what Mon'El told her yesterday and unsure why Mon'El was acting weird. So after getting ready she decided to confront him to find out more information about what happened to him in the past 7 years. After entering the DEO she sees Mon'El ready to speak to her, he takes her to the training room to talk.

Mon'El "Kara I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday, I didn't mean to be so distant. I need your help and there is something very important that I need to tell. When I left you I landed in the 31st century and I tried to get back to you and I couldn't but there was a bigger problem brewing, the war was likely to happen and to prevent this happening I created a group of special individuals to create a legion of superheroes to help planets in need one, in particular, Titan was causing a lot of problems they hated earth and their allies so to make sure that Titan will be there if we need help for. Also, we decided to do something symbolic to show that represented everyone, and to do that I decided to marry a lady named Imra Ardeen to stop the war from happening. One mission we found out that one day you end up donating your eggs to help your descendants that maybe not be able to conceive a child and an enemy of the Legion found them and due to our similar DNA sequence they kidnaped me and uses my genetics to fertilize the egg to make a child we found the egg and all it needed was a host body and Imra decided that the best way was to implant the egg inside her to save the child. But afterward, we found out that the body rejected the baby and Imra became seriously ill we decided that we would get medical help and we ended going into disruption and landed 12,000 years in the past and I woke up after the torpedo hit the ship and I found you. I am asking for you Kara that you could please take the child into yourself to save the child you are a Kryptonian and you should have no problems please help."

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