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Savannah's Point of View
Sunday, 4:55 p.m.
C: I just can't believe he told you all of that.
Me: Yeah, me neither...
C: How are you holding up?
Me: I'm just trying not to think about it.
C: Does Joel know?
Me: Are you kidding? If heard that, shit would go down.
C: I doubt either of them knows how to fight.
Me: Never know... Anyway, about that kiss with Jorge!
C: I don't want to talk about it...
Me: Was it good, bad??

She hadn't replied immediately, so I decided to get ready for tomorrow. I searched through the closet and wasn't sure how to dress. Cute, comfy, or plain? I decided to go with plain. Inchoate some light jeans, black converse, and a black long sleeve shirt.

C: It was better than my first kiss.
Me: You took long to reply. Were you replaying the kiss in your head? Lol.
C: No, I'm eating dinner.
Me: Oh, I'll you go then. See you tomorrow!

I tossed my phone on my bed and took a seat on my beanbag with my laptop. Scrolling through my homepage on Pinterest, I decided to search up new ways to do my eyeliner. I had always put in a thin line of liquid on my eyelid and used a pencil liner on my waterline. I was a bit tired of it and decided to mix it up a bit. It was awfully quiet, so I decided to play my music on shuffle. The first song that appeared was Chocolate by 1975. I was amazed by the different eyeliner techniques and couldn't make up my mind, so I saved the pictures to look at later in the morning.
"Savannah?" My mom called on the other side of the door.
"The food is ready."
"What is it?" I asked.
"Come see for yourself." She left.
I groaned and placed my laptop on the purple carpet and strolled out of bedroom. Walking into the kitchen, the aroma of soup filled the air.
"Yummy." I commented. I grabbed a bowl and served myself a decent amount, then began heading towards my room.
"Where are you going?" My mom asked.
"To my room?" I replied. "Like always."
"Sit with us." She responded.
"Just sit down." My dad demanded. "We have something to talk to you about."
I stared at them and took a seat between both. "What's going on?" I asked.
"It's about your friends." My mom stated.
"What of them?"
"You can't hang out with them anymore." My mom affirmed.
"Why not?" I asked, a little angry.
My mom broke out into a smile, "I'm just joking."
I looked at my dad and he was laughing as well.
"That's not funny!" I whined. "Good job on the acting though, mom."
"We had you good." My dad laughed. "What we wanted to talk to you about was the amount of money your friend's band will receive and some other important information."
"Okay. How much did you guys make?" I asked.
"There was a huge crowd so we made more than anticipated. Your friend's band will receive $215." My dad answered.
"Whoa. That's a big wad."
"There was some important people at the show who paid extra." My mom smiled.
"Who?" My eyes widened.
"Some journalists for a magazine about bands and such." She mentioned.
"They want to interview the band." Dad stated.
"When?" I asked. "What did you tell them?"
"We said we would contact the band members and they gave us their card information."
"This is huge news, I have to call them right now!" I exclaimed, standing up.
"Wait. There's more." My mom said, lowering her head about. "But the news isn't good."
"Is this another joke?" I asked.
"No, it's serious. You will have to babysit for your aunt over the next two weeks."
"Next two weeks? That's the entire Christmas break!" I shouted in disbelief.
"Your aunt is in the hospital and you're the only one she trusts. We promised to help out." My mom noted.
"When will they arrive?"
"Carly and Charly will be arriving on Thursday. Baby J is living with Marlene for now. I'll take care of them Thursday and Friday because we know you still have school those days." Mom answered.
"But what about when I need to work?"
"Like your mom said, we'll help out." Dad replied.
"How sick is she?"
"Doctors will be doing surgery on her throat, she vomits everything she eats, her liver is enlarged, and she can't breathe on her own." My dad whispered.
My eyes filled with tears but I held them back. Her kids were only ages five, four, and two. It would be a shame if something horrible happened. We ate dinner in silence, apart from the television that was on. As I finished, I placed my plate and cup in the sink.
"Tell your friends that I'll schedule a meeting with them to tell them of the news." My dad reminded me.
I nodded my head and walked into my bedroom. Grabbing my phone, I saw that I had two notifications from Pinterest. Ignoring them, I texted Jorge, Chris, and Jessie, whose numbers I got last night to tell them when their money was ready to be picked up.

FWD: Hey, my father has some big news on your performance last night. He wants to schedule a meeting with you all if that's okay. -Savannah.

I tossed my phone back on my bed and decided to clean up my room a bit.
9:34 p.m.
My room was clean and it had taken me a long time to actually finish because I had gotten distracted by everything. My bed was once by the entrance door and was now in between both bedroom windows. Other things such as my drawers, picture collages, beanbag and books were moved as well. I sat on my bed and removed my slippers. I wanted to rest a bit before bathing. I lowered the music that was playing from my laptop and suddenly my phone vibrated.
Joel: Hey :)
Me: Hey (:
J: How did you like yesterday?
Me: Being with you, it was all fun. I had a great time, what about you?
J: I had fun as well. What are you doing right now?
Me: Just finished cleaning my room.
J: Nice, I'm just bored.
Me: So you resulted in text me because you were bored? I guess I was your last resort.
J: No! I didn't mean it like that.
Me: I'm joking with you.
J: Good one... Do you mind if I call you?
Me: Uh... Just don't make it long. I have to shower.

I didn't really like talking on the phone, but I've made exceptions with him because he was always there when I needed him most and it was time I returned the favor. The song All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor began playing. I had this song as Joel's ringtone because he really disliked it.

"Hello?" I answered.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I was wondering if I could go to your house? Talking trough phone won't work."
"My house?" I questioned. "Why won't the phone work?"
"Ah..." He paused.
"Is something wrong?"
"Y-no. You know what, it's fine. We can just talk about it tomorrow at school." He replied.
"Well, what's it about?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow."
"Tell me now." I demanded. "Please."
"It's something I feel that we should talk about in person."
I paused. "Fine. Come over to my house. I'll meet you outside in front of the garage."
"Okay, bye."

We hung up the phone, and in stood up, putting my slippers on once again. I walked over to my closet and picked out my pink sweater. I looked at myself in the closet mirror and I looked horrible. A pink sweater, red plaid pajama pants, grey slippers, my hair in a messy bun and no make up. I walked out of my room and the out of the house and saw Joel already walking up the driveway, so waited beneath the basketball hoop.
"What was it that you had to talk to me in person?" I asked, picking up the basketball that lay on the wet grass. I began shooting hoops and he would toss the ball back to me.
"I heard what happened." He stated.
I tossed the ball and made it in then he handed it back. "What are you talking about?" I asked.
"About Esai." He detailed, and I missed the shot. He was about to get the ball, but I stood in front of him.
"How did you find out?" I asked.
"Everyone who was there was talking about it." He whispered. "Why didn't you tell me?"
I looked down at the ground and shrugged. "I guess I didn't want you to make a scene."
"Well of course I would have told him things, he said a lot of things to you!" Joel exclaimed.
"You don't know him." I murmured.
"Do I have to know him in order to protect you? Why are you defending him?" He asked in disbelief, taking a step back.
I looked up at him, "he was drunk, Joel. He didn't know what he was saying."
"So just like that, you're going to forgive him?"
"It's just something I don't want to have to think of. He and I aren't friend anymore anyway. The past is that past." I shrugged it off and picked up the basketball. I aimed and then tossed, but Joel blocked it.
"I know you enough to know that you don't forget about what people say. I just wanted to make sure you are doing well." He said.
"I'm fine." I blinked.
"So, what's the real reason why you didn't want to tell me?"
"Because then it would cause a fight between us and it's too early to even start fighting with each other." I answered.
He nodded his head and tossed the basketball on the grass as he began to walk away. "I guess I'll be leaving now."
"Wait." I called. "Thank you for checking up on me." I smiled weakly.
He paced towards me and we hugged. "Of course."

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