Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: My Kind Of Friendship

2 Months Later

        I am now five months pregnant. The next ultrasound is when we find out the gender of the baby. I wanted to do a gender reveal but I change my mind because I just decided for it to be private.

        Damien got pulled away for some business so his right hand man Billy was the one he choose to go with me to the mall to do some light shopping since I can no longer fit my clothes. Its like I woke up one morning and my stomach grew to the shape of a huge round watermelon.

          My mom tells me I'm definitely having a boy due to how round my stomach is. But Ma , which is Damien's mom says I'm having a girl because of all the sweets that I have been craving.

      I honestly don't care if I have a boy or a girl. As long as my baby is healthy and safe then I care about nothing else. Damien started helping me as well, to find a new house to move to. He's been begging me to stay with him but I told him no. This is something I had to do, I have been talking about it for so long and I want to make it happen.

         Plus I kept reassuring him that I wasn't going to be living alone. My mom, as stubborn as she is decided to move with me when we got the place. She's even called up some of her realtor friends from back in college to help us find a place quicker.

"Can we get some ice cream after?". I ask Billy as I throw another pair of maternity jeans at him. He catches it quickly and we both laugh out.

      His hands were packed with new maternity clothes. I told myself I wouldn't over spend but here I am........overspending. Damien gave me his card and he knows I won't stop swiping and that's why I wanted to use my own but who can convince this stubborn man.

"Yeah we can get ice cream, I think we passed a place coming here". He replies back smiling.

"I'm driving". I tell him.

"Damien told me to drive though".

"He won't know will he?, just avoid telling him when we meet up later". I shrug at him.

"Oh you trying to get us both in trouble Summer, but I don't mind it". He laughs out.


        I'm on my way to the ice cream shop with Billy. But then we decided to just drop the clothes off since my apartment was closer to cold stones. Billy and I were laughing at some pictures he showed me in his phone with Damien and him when they were in high school.

         Damien and Billy had been best of friends since diaper days. Billy lost his dad to pancreatic cancer a few years back and it took the friendship of Damien to get him through the tough times.

          He always told me that Billy was someone he never had to watch his back for. They grew up together, struggled together, sold together and now they were going to grind together because the grind doesn't stop.

"I can't believe he wore braces and glasses". I laugh again at the picture of Damien.

"Was blind as a bat, those contacts he got in now". Billy laughs out as he clutches his stomach from how hard he was laughing.

"You should honestly be the God father for our baby". I give him a wide smirk as I pull into the parking lot of my apartment complex.

"God Daddy Billy, I like the ring it has to it". His smile was from ear to ear as he steps out of the car.

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