Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three: Bullets, Betrayal And Lust

"John, why are you doing this?". I plead. He places Na'sir on the couch and walks towards me. "Leave my son out of this".

"Mama". Na'sir whines.

"Stay there baby, mommy's coming okay?". I try to comfort him so he wouldn't move. I don't know what this man is capable of.

"At first, I wasn't mad about him wanting to quit the game, hell I was happy but then". He points the gun at me. "I knew I wanted the entire empire and that wasn't going to happen with him alive".

               The cabin door swings open. Damien walks into the living area with his gun aiming at John. RJ and Jeremy walk in behind him with their guns aiming as well. I sigh in relief that he came.

"You're surrounded, there's no way out of this". Damien tells John.

"Drop the gun". RJ warns him.

"I already killed your best friend and your mother, once I kill your bitch and son you won't have anything left". John replies firing a shot at me that hit me in my stomach.

I fall on the ground from the impact of the shot. "Summer!?". Damien calls out running towards John as he starts shooting at him. John begins shooting towards the couch where my son was on and my entire body went numb.

           Bullets started flying, I jump towards the couch to get to Na'sir who started crying uncontrollably. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder and then another in my leg. I look down to see that I was bleeding so much. I've been shot again. I hold Na'sir close to my chest as I wince in pain.

           Once the gun shots die down. Damien rushes over to us and sees that I'm bleeding out. I see the panic and terror in his eyes as tears begin to fill them.

"Call 911, y'all know what to do, I'm taking them to the hospital". Damien shouts to his cousin and his close friend.

"Damien....". I call after him as my eyes begin to close.


                I wake up to the sound of a machine beeping next to me. My vision was blurry until I seen that I was in the hospital. Damien gets up and comes to my side.

"How are you feeling?". He asks.

               I try to move my feet but I couldn't feel them. I look at him with concern lacing my eyes. I try to speak but my throat felt too dry.

"You may feel numb for awhile, you been out of surgery for 6 hours now, I'm going to let the doctor know you're up". He walks out of the door.

Soon after a doctor walks in with a small smile on his face. "Hello Summer, my name is Doctor Thomas, your surgery went really well, the bullets missed your important organs, and we managed to retrieve them all, we're going to try to keep you for a few more days for observation".

          Damien face was sadden. Which made me worry more. The only time I seen him like that was when his best friend got killed, his mother was killed and my mother died.

"Your son is in the pediatric ward, due to the fact that he lost so much blood as an infant, he fell into a coma, he was shot twice in the stomach and once in the shoulder". The doctor explains. My heart sinks immediately. "He's under the best care right now, all we can do is wait to see when he pulls through from his coma".

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