Ignorance and Pettiness

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Zay's POV

     I wake up the next morning feeling a bit better than I did last night, crying myself to sleep as I thought about how fucked up this whole situation is.

      Last night was better here than it would have been if I had seems home and spent it by myself but it was still shitty. The effects of those boy's energy drained me hard, and for most of the night I couldn't even eat anything in fear of it coming back up. And as I walk into the kitchen, I just feel drained and gross.

      When I turn the corner and enter the room, I find Thomas there, leaning on the counter with a cup in his hand.

     I think about walking away, but I remember how bad it was when he first came back from escaping Silas' grasp. I know how much it hurts to be left alone with your own thoughts when you're already in a bad place.

     So I walk over to him, stepping around the various boxes that are on the floor for the impending move, and lean against the counter with my friend.

      At first he doesn't say anything, just continues to stare off into space, until he turns his head and gives me a soft smile. "I'm sorry we couldn't help more. If there was a way of feeding you without making you sick, or killing you, we would." He tells me and I know he means it.

      I shake my head, however, at his words. "You did plenty. I'm sorry to inconvenience you. Thanks for always taking care of me." I tell him and he leans over to bump his shoulder with mine.

      "Hey, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't make sure you were okay?" He teases and I laughing dryly.

        "A human one apparently." I say and he sighs before setting down his cup and turning towards me.

          "That man doesn't know what he's missing out on. Elliot isn't going to allow himself to fall for you, simply off of the fact that your a man. If you were a girl, you two would probably be engaged by now. I know that sucks, but it's true." Thomas tells me, and it hes right, it does suck but I give him the best smile I can manage when I turn my head.

         "Yeah. It's the way of life. You have to be specific or it'll give you what you asked for with a shitty twist." He snorts before looking  at me with an amused expression.

        "Oh I was CEO of that company. I was so mad when I found out Ares was my Bond. I wasn't going to reject him, but I was bent on hating him and his stupid smirk. And I do, but they're also the things that kept me alive while I was gone." He says, his eyes getting distant again as he's shoved a few months back. I remember the day we found him, curled up in the basement. How broke and thin he looked. I don't know what he went through but that look in his pale eyes haunted followed me for weeks.

        "The two of you were destined to work from the beginning. I knew you two loved each other way before you went to the beach. The first time I met you, I saw it." I tell him and he laughs at me.

         " It's hard to admit when you're wrong about someone, even harder when it's something you swore to yourself you would never do or fall for." Thomas tells me before turning to look me in the eye. "But, don't give up hope. I know it hurts and it'll get worse before it gets better, but don't give up that if not him, then someone will come along and change your whole perspective on life."

        I give him a sad smile as his words resonate in my heart, just as we hear the bedroom door open and Ares appears in the door frame.

        "Good morning, kitten." He says with a smile and Thomas gets off the counter to go place himself in his lovers hold, his snow white head going beneath his man's chin. I turn my head away, feeling like I'm interrupting, before he calls to my attention. "Ready to go?" Ares asks and I nod.

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