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the last time on Vogue

Wooyoung sat San down on the toilet


"Breathe in and out slowly San." San follows Wooyoung's soft voice.

"Good now are you feeling any better or do you want me to make you tea so you feel better?"

"No, just stay here with me."

"Alright. Squeeze my hand when you feel better. Thats so I know if your okay to tell me what happened." San nods.

He thinks about everything. He was so traumatised by that incident. He wouldnt be able to even have sex. He is going to feel bad for wooyoung that is if he does have sex with him (  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ehem anyways, 20 minutes pass by. San finally squeezes wooyoung's hands.

Wooyoung's warm gaze helped San even more.

"Okay so tell me...what happened?" San sighs.

"Yunho told me about him and Mingi arguing. Then he talked about how high his sex drive is and like Mingi doesn't have a high drive like him."

"Okay...I kinda knew that already."

"What do you mean."

"I'll explain my side later on but for now continue San."

"U-Uh well...yunho then asks me to help him out. You know blowjob or handjob because Mingi was too stressed out and tired from all the preparation for the comeback."

"I see...it triggered your trauma didn't it." San nods. Wooyoung sighs. "I'll talk to Yunho about this...that is if you allow me."

"Not now."

"But he will wonder-"

"Wooyoung this is traumatic experience for me. I was almost raped!" San shouts in the bathroom. Wooyoung was stunned.

"I'm sorry." San realises what he has done. "I'll let you to cool off. I'm going to go get a drink or something." Wooyoung says.

"Wait woo-" the bathroom door shuts close. A tear drops from san's face. He did a mistake again.

Wooyoung hates him now.

As for wooyoung, he wasn't mad at San or anything. He was just shocked. San yelled at him. He couldn't believe that at all. He understood it was a sensitive subject for him but he should at least tell the others too. They were a family.

"Wooyoung." San's soft voice was heard behind him. Wooyoung turns around.

"I'm sorry."

"For?" Wooyoung asks slightly confused.

"Making you mad." Wooyoung sighs.

"I'm not mad at you San. I just, I just think that you should at least let the others know. They are your family too. If your real family can know about this...why can't the other boys know about it?"

"I'm scared they might judge me."

"They wouldnt."

"I-Im still scared woo."


"I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." San says.

"San." San goes to his room. Wooyoung was left there alone in the kitchen. How was he going to make it up to San.


a/n: welcome I serve great angst in this household because my exam is coming up :)

oh right sorry for the late upload💀 I was at my grandparents' home.

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