Part 40 "Mission accepted"

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Viktor's POV*

"Is everyone ready here?" I asked, looking upon team Blue's helicopter.

"We should be, Viktor" Calum answered me.

"Good, good. Stay together, go over the plan in your head one more time. We don't know what awaits you here and I won't be there to help you" I said in a worry tone. I know I shouldn't be scared that my own plan won't work, but usually we study our enemy, know their every move in front of ours, but this time we don't and it's making me nervous. Tayla is good, that game that she plays is a game she made up and only a fool would underestimate her.

"We'll be alright, see you afterwards Viktor" Willow told me and got on her seat. I took one last glance at them and my men that were going beside them.

"They know what to do" I told myself before giving them a slight smile and went to the other helicopters. I saw Crystal, Sarah and Niall come to them as I was leaving, they were probably going to say goodbye. I just hope it's not a final one. My gaze searched across the platform on which we were on, it was in a secluded area away from our main base under the coffee shop.

"Sir" colonel Char greeted me as he passed by. He was going to one of the four locations here in Australia, there were seven more across the world and by now most of our people should be ready for a confirmation to attack as soon as the rest of the teams are in position. It's very hard to pull of a mission like this one, for some it's night, others middle of day, for us morning, but everyone had to get ready to fight even now, after all that's what we signed up for, isn't it?

"Viktor" Seth and Han gave me a slight nod as I approached them. We were already dressed in our uniforms and fully armed, ready to go.

"Gentlemen" I said in acknowledgement, but then the three of us smiled at eachother and hugged, pulling away quickly.

"Try to save your ass, will you?" Han laughed lightly.

"Mine and everyone else's" I grinned.

"Don't die out there, that's a command" Seth said in a stern voice which was really funny considering how he doesn't have much of a deep voice.

"No promises" was all I said before taking my place in the helicopter with many more people I was going to lead today. They all greeted me properly and got back to what they were doing before and my gaze was fixated on everything around us. For my fourteen years of service and only three of being a colonel I've gained enormous respect and trust from my team and country. They've sent so many people here from the army services, but are putting their fate in me to lead everyone. That was the deal and I accepted it of course, it was a great honour. If it came to any of this I'd be the leader and unfortunately it has, we're in a war, well, we may start a war and the thought of that is very alarming. The signal was soon given and the blades started spinning, we got off the ground with one thought in mind only "Don't screw this up".


"Seven you have me?" I spoke into the microphone attached to my suit.

"Yes sir".

"Eight, nine?" I questioned.

"Here sir, at the position sir" they replied. We were trying to blend in with the nature at the moment, surrounded by nothing except dirt and bushes. The three metal buildings stood not too far away from us, guards on each entrance, some walking around.

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