Chapter 47: Everything You Need to Know

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Laura did her best to lighten the mood while they were out, trying desperately not to ask the dozens of questions she longed for Nicole to answer

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Laura did her best to lighten the mood while they were out, trying desperately not to ask the dozens of questions she longed for Nicole to answer. But as she watched her friend's sad eyes, looking again on the verge of a breakdown, Laura was determined to keep Nicole in good spirits. So she joked, making Nicole and Bill laugh as she "oooh'd" and "aaah'd" like a tourist at the most mundane sites.

"That's the biggest rat I've ever seen!"

"You could fit a whole sumo wrestler down that manhole!"

"Look-- There's Elvis!"

In the taxi she would point at every billboard and flashing street sign, before the effects of her disposable camera would click and whirl loudly in Nicole's ear. And when "Off the Wall," Michael's recently released single played on the radio, Laura energetically spoke up until the driver changed the station, claiming Michael's nasal-y voice made her nauseated and she would just hate to puke all over his seats. Nicole rolled her eyes, giggling just a little, but silently grateful to have Laura by her side.

The Statue of Liberty was beautiful. A striking symbol of pride and hope as she carries her torch and Bible, the broken chains at her feet symbolizing the end of slavery. Laura cried at the sight, Lady Liberty's presence more overwhelming than either of the girls could've imagined. She was intimidating, reminding Laura of her own personal shackles. She thought of the immigrants and impoverished who built this country long ago and feared how her complacency would now disappoint her ancestors.

The Brooklyn Bridge was next on their list, but with a sudden change of heart, they opted for someplace lighter with less of a crowd. Coney Island. As the beach and amusement rides were closed for the winter, it was a perfect destination to stroll the quiet boardwalk, still site-seeing in every open shop. Nicole finally got her chance to order like a local from Nathan's Famous, the iconic hotdog stand. But two shops down, they were tourists again, eagerly buying "I Love New York" t-shirts and modeling every hat and silly pair of sunglasses for a photo in front of the graffiti-painted walls.

Down to the beach, the three walked the sand. And as the girls played near the water, picking seashells to later be turned into necklaces or matching charm bracelets, Bill moved higher up shore to sit back and watch the waves roll through.

An overcast blew, sending chills through Nicole's body, forcing her to retreat from the icy water. But Laura was relentless, looking for the perfect shell to bring home for Roger.

There was a thickness in the air as Nicole sat next to Bill. She remembered the way they hugged at the airport, and long before when he picked her up for a special holiday dinner. They'd been alone together for dozens of hours in car rides, chatting about family and the mundane facts of life. They were friends, in a way. But now in the silence, Nicole wondered if he was keeping something from her. Bill was like a father to Michael, they'd each told her so. So wouldn't Michael's father be the first to know when something wasn't right?

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