Chapter 51: Escapism (Part Two)

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They were greeted at the door by a small, fast-talking man, Steve Rubell, co-owner of Studio 54. He hugged Michael and the girls like old friends before ushering them past the crowd of beautiful, unknown faces that blocked the doors. A steep flight of stairs brought them out of the commotion to a new type of frenzy reserved only for the elite.

"Don't Leave Me This Way" by Thelma Houston was blaring from the stage below as the balcony offered a full view of the aerialists and acrobats that swirled from the ceiling. The crowd swayed like sunflowers to the flashing strobe lights that made their skin glow.

Deeper in, the air grew thick with smoke, and though the disco rhythm was farther away, voices echoed just as loud in a whispered mania that carried up to the open rafters

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Deeper in, the air grew thick with smoke, and though the disco rhythm was farther away, voices echoed just as loud in a whispered mania that carried up to the open rafters. Low lounge seats donned by gorgeous couples, scattered the floor where groups appeared divided to their own private worlds. A beautiful bar in glossy black stone was the focus where the near-naked busboys in angel wings filled their trays before serving. Steve gestured towards a dark leather sectional.

Steve: Alright, we have a spot ready for you. Drinks'll be out in a sec. You girls need anything? Cigarette?

Nicole: Oh, no thanks--

Laura: I'll take one!

Nicole: Laura, you don't smoke.

Laura: That's the old 'Laura.' She's not here! Tonight I'm trying something new. Part of the quest to find my new life, you know?

Nicole: Laura, I--

Steve: Here you go! That's a good attitude, girl. You'll have a real good time tonight if you think like that!

Pressing the cigarette to her lips, Laura took a slow drag from Steve's lighter, exhaling the carcinogens into the air in a puff above his head.

Laura: Yeah? Well if you know anyone else looking for a good time, send 'em my way!

Steve laughed, reaching for Laura's arm as he stepped closer with a wink.

Steve: A pretty girl like you? That's no problem.

With a broad grin and shifting eyes he disappeared back down the stairs. Laura bounced to the sofa, reclining with another long inhale. Day one of her new life was looking up! She closed her eyes and pushed the smoke past her pouted lips again.

Nicole: Are you still angry? I told you I'm sorry!

Laura: Chill out, I'm fine. Hey-- What do you think of the name 'Veronica?' Pretty sexy, huh?

Nicole: Huh?--

Nicole: Huh?--

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