Chapter 5

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Just as Oikawa sent Hinata good night, he called Iwaizumi.

~Bold is Iwaizumi, Italics is Oikawa.~

What the f*ck do you want sh*ttykawa?

Iwa~channn, why are you so mean???

Hurry up, I'm busy.

D*mn, I'm bored, I don't Know what to do and Chibi~chan went to bed😫

Okay? And? Hold on. How do you know he went to bed??

Well...I might've gotten his number...

Of course you did. Are you going to do anything about your soulmate?

Not, really. I'll still write to them incase they do read them.

Okay, well, I'm busy, see you tomorrow, good night trashykawa

Rude, good night Iwa~chan

With that Oikawa hung up

~Oikawa's POV~

Should write them a letter? I'll write one, and I'll ask which gender they are. I do not want a girl soulmate. It would be the worst.

Hey...I don't know if you even read these since you never respond. But I was wondering if you were okay with telling me what your gender is, it's okay if your non-binary (cause we support😚) I'm okay with that too. I was wondering on why you didn't like this soulmate thing. I know you said that you wanted to find love without it, but I was just curious. For your information, I'm a guy, hope that's okay with you. If it wasn't I don't think we would've become soulmates. I would tell you my name but the mailbox would just clear it out. Same with my number and address. I really hope you read these. It would be nice knowing I have another person to talk to about my problems and life. I'll tell you more about myself this time. I'm in high school, obviously, lol, I think I'm funny, I'd like to call myself handsome but I'm not to sure on that. I hope you're really cute even if we can't meet. I got to go now. I really hope you respond this time. It's been 5 months...

After I place the letter into the mailbox and close it I open it to check if my soulmate got it. It wasn't there anymore so they got it already. After I checked if the letter was gone, I decided to get ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas hoping that I get a respond back. I really want to meet them.

~The next morning~

Once I woke up I immediately check the mailbox and crossed my fingers before opening it. THERE WAS A LETTER INSIDE. I jumped around in excitement. I opened it so fast. Their handwriting is so neat. I hope they didn't think mine was messy. I started to read the letter.

I'm sorry about not ever responding, but I do read them. Your life seems fun. Since you wanted to know my gender, I'm a boy. You were right about us not being soulmates if I was straight. The thing is, my dads not a big fan of gay people...and he doesn't know, and I don't want him to know because he might actually kick me out. Don't feel like I don't want a soulmate, I do, it's just, I sorta wish I was able to find them myself without this mailbox. I hope you know what I mean. I'm not trying to sound mean. I'll tell you more about me this time since it has been 5 months since I've sent a letter to you, you deserve something for not giving up on me, thank you. I'm glad you still send the letters. I'm also in high school, obviously, lmao. I guess I'm cute, I'm not really sure. I'm sure you're very handsome (^v^) I can draw a bit. Also, love playing volleyball. I just want you to realize one thing. I am not rejecting you, I'm just not ready to find you yet. But please continue to send letters. They always make my day. I still have every single one you've sent. 。^‿^。

Something wet is on my cheek again. I touch my cheek and I'm crying again? Why am I crying? Is it sad crying or happy crying? I'm happy they responded and read my letters. But I'm also sad at the fact that his dad is homophobic and that he might get kicked out for having a boy soulmate. But he kept every single letter I've wrote? Maybe he's not so bad after all.

I look at the time and its 6:30, I'm supposed to be in school at 7. I get up and rush to get ready. By the time its 6:40, Iwaizumi rang the doorbell. "COMING, GIMME A MINUTE!" I grabbed the letter along with my bag and phone and left my house locking the door behind me. "Hi Iwa~chan ☺"

"You're in a awfully good mood? Did something happen with Hinata?" He asked, wanting to know why I'm in a good mood. "Well...HE WROTE BACK! This is the best day of my life.

"Really?! Let me see!" I handed over the letter to him to read. Once he was done we were around the corner of our school. "Wow. At least he's giving you a chance and not just full on rejecting you." "yea" I'm pretty sure I can't stop smiling. "Oh. And I-uh wanted to say sorry for yesterday..." I froze infront of the building. "It's fine Iwa~chan, I swaer. At least I'm not beig rejected. Right?" I poked him with my elbow, "Right." With that we went to our seperate classes until the end of the day.

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