Chapter 29

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Laurel's POV

I feel so torn. We've been walking on eggshells around each other for days now, each of us refusing to bring up the previous conversations in fear it'll blow up again. I've been seriously considering the fact that I might be pregnant, but was going to wait another week or two before I saw a doctor. It had never even crossed my mind though that this would be something Locke didn't want.

I was going to schedule an appointment with one of the doctors here, but after the conversation we've had, I'm going to get a test done with one of the pack doctors that I know will keep the information confidential. There isn't anyone I know here well enough that I can trust to keep such a secret from Locke. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do if I find that I actually am going to have a baby.

Locke had pretty much been the definition of perfect up until now. I was excited for the fact that we might be starting a family together, but now I'm anything but. He had an unrecognizable look in his eyes when he asked me if I was pregnant and I was scared of how he'd react if I told him my actual thought. Now I want to know for sure before I bring up the matter to him again.

I can feel his closeness as I place the last few things of clothes into my suitcase and turn around to see him watching me. He's been carrying around a sadness that I feel as well, but his is due to the fact that I'll be gone for a week.

"You know I love you more than anything, right?" He says with pleading eyes, silently begging me to stay.

I want to stay, I really do. The need to be close to him has grown stronger and stronger lately, which is another sign of why I think I might be pregnant. The only way Zara is letting us leave our mate right now is all because of the fight we had. I could feel her hackles raise when he talked about making sure we didn't have kids. It felt almost threatening and I had the overwhelming urge to become defensive and run.

"I love you too." I try to keep the tears down, so many different emotions coming forward at once.

I don't want him to see me cry or he'll suspect the worse and think I'm leaving for good. I'm not trying to run away, I just need confirmation of the situation and time to form a game plan.

"Dex is going to drop you off." He says and I nod.

While he tries to pawn it off on being too busy to leave the kingdom right now, I know he's really having Dex take me because he won't be able to say goodbye once we get there.

I'm lost in my own thoughts for majority of the ride, but I can feel Dex's eyes on me every so often. He's been abnormally quiet, making me think he can see right through me and read my mind.

"You know, I'm not really all that good at these situations." He rubs at the back of his neck awkwardly.

I sit quietly, unsure what to say since I'm not all that great with them either.

"Locke has been my buddy for a long time, hell he's practically like a brother to me. But I want you to know that you've also become like my sister. I'm not asking for you to tell me anything right now, but just know if you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

"Thanks Dex." I give him a reassuring smile.

"I'm serious Laurel. Whatever gets said will stay between you and I."

He holds out his pinky and I can't help but laugh. This is by far the most sincere conversation I've ever heard him in, and in true Dex fashion, finishes it off with a pinky swear. I wrap my finger around his and give it a shake and I instantly find the mood a bite lighter.

He gives me a hug and tells me to call if I need anything before finally getting pushed to leave by Kline. I'm wrapped up in one of his bear hugs when I hear the voices I haven't heard in so long.

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