Chapter 33

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Locke's POV

I'm awoke by a splash of water in the face and I suddenly sit up, shocked by the coldness. My head immediately begins to spin and it takes me a minute before my surroundings become steady again. My skin is dirty, from apparently sleeping on the rocky ground outside, and an empty fifth of Jack Daniels lays next to me.

I don't even like Jack, where the hell did that come from?

"What the fuck did you do?" Dex's gives me a curious, but rather disapproving look.

"Fuck off." I say as I begin to sit up, my head still spinning as I do so.

"Oh yeah, cuz that's real mature. You're lucky no one has seen you yet. I've been looking for you all morning."

"What time is it?" I grumble once I finally get up.

I look around and realize I have no clue how I even got here. Or why I chose here for that matter. A few feet in front of me is a mound lined with targets, while I'm at a lower elevation, tucked away in a bunker. Pretty much, I got drunk and passed out at the shooting range.

"Almost noon." He replies.

I groan and rub at my temples, trying to sooth away the pounding headache that just seems to worsen by the minute. Letting out a deep breath, I start walking back to castle as I hear Dex's footsteps trail right behind me.

"You're not even going to explain what happened?"


We walk for a few minutes in silence before he opens his big mouth again.

"You really are something else. I almost don't blame her for not wanting to come to you if this is how you act."

I know he's only saying that to get under my skin and get me to talk, and it works.

"Did you know?" I swirl around to face Dex and pin him with a glare. "Did you fucking know?!"

My anger flares and I can already feel the burning in my eyes as I look at my so called 'best friend'.

"Did I know what?" He glares back at me, not bothering to back down.

I throw a punch but he narrowly slips away before I can connect.

"What's your fucking problem?" He yells, trying his best to dance around me.

My head is absolutely killing me, my eyes are blood shot, and I'm no doubt not thinking clearly, but it still doesn't deter me from taking my anger out. It's unfortunate for Dex that he happens to be on the other end of it.

He begins to fight back, finally ditching his plan of evading after I land a blow to his abdomen. At this point, he seems just as angry as I am and we run at each other with the full intent to harm. Our bodies collide and the ground around us shakes from the force of the impact as we go at each other's throats. Each of us land blow after blow, not bothering to back down, and no signs of slowing down.

He sends a kick to my ribs and I falter a minute, giving him time to tackle me to the ground. It's clear he realizes the mistake the second it's made as I quickly turn the tables, my knee on his chest pinning him to the ground. He grabs at my leg, sucking in harsh breaths due to the weight of me barring down on him.

His hands finally drop to his sides as he shoots me with a glare. Neither of us say anything, but neither of us have to because I already know.

I'm a fucking bastard.

I throw myself off of him and onto my back a few feet beside where he still lays. It only takes a couple seconds for his breathing to become normal again but he still remains silent for few minutes.

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