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Draco POV

I couldn't sleep at night. My mind was repeating what I did to Chloé again and again, it made me so mad at myself. It's like I shifted into a total different person, not caring about anything but myself. I'm a selfish idiot.

I hurt her, she even cried from the pain I've caused her. And yet, she forgave me so fast...
I truly don't deserve her.

The death mark on my arm still hurts like hell, I don't know when this is gonna stop. It's so annoying and risky to have it, I have to be careful so nobody sees it. That would be a big trouble. But most of all, I'm scared what would Chloé think of me.

Around at midnight, the burning sensation in my forearm got worse and worse. I couldn't touch it at all, because if I did, it would only get worse.

I was constantly grunting and sobbing like a little child, but I didn't have a choice. It felt like someone was burning my arm on fire.

Suddenly, something came in my mind. How did I not think of it sooner? Snape was a Death eater, he must have the bloody mark.

Without any hesitation, I got out of the bed and went through dark halls straight to Snape's room, which is right in front of his cabinet. I knocked three times and waited for his answer.

The castle at night is very cold, I regret I didn't put any sweater over me, because now I'm shivering in cold.

"Draco?" Said Snape after he opened the door.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but..."

Wait a minute...does Snape know about my mark?

I know he's a close friend of my family, mostly my mom, who has a deal with him to always take care of me at school when I need it.


"Did my mother tell you I-"

"Yes, Narcissa has informed me about your situation, Draco. Now tell me what you need." His voice was very sleepy and annoyed.

"My mark is burning, I can't sleep."

I stretched my arm in front of him to take a look. He took my forearm and gently placed his finger on my mark. I painfully grunted in pain, I could smell a burning skin.

"It's swollen and burning...hmm...it's done very badly, who gave it to you?" He asked me while examining my forearm.

"My father."

"Oh yes, I thought so. He can't even do this one thing right..." he said in a disgust.

I know Snape doesn't like Lucius very much. And I'm not surprised.

"Is there anything that can help it?" I asked.

"Fortunately, yes. Come, Draco." He locked the door to his room, came over to his cabinet and disappeared there in so many shelves with potions.

"Close the door." He said and I did so.

I always loved the smell of his cabinet. It is a mixture of many and many potions, but mostly, I can smell mint and eucalyptus.

After a while, he came and handed me a little dark elixir.

"Use this twice a day directly on the skin."

"Thank you."

Snape is a very odd person. Every student is scared of him, of his dark clothes and the way he acts. I've always kind of admired him, actually. I know that underneath his coldness, there's a loving and caring person, he just doesn't show this side to anyone.

"Draco, I have to tell you something..."

He sighed and took a breath.

"I've noticed your...close relationship with miss Delacour. I hope you know that when the Dark Lord gives you a task, it can be anything. And I mean anything."

"I know."

"I'm not gonna tell you what to do, that's you're parents job...but I'll give you one advice. Don't fall in love. Because of all the things Voldemort hates, he hates love the most."

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't ready for this.

"But...he won't want me to..."

"Kill Chloé? I don't think so. But torture her? Who knows. You have to be careful, Draco."

"To be honest, I haven't been exactly careful..."

"What do you mean?"

"Pansy Parkinson knows about my parents and she's threatening me to tell everyone. I have to be her boyfriend now."

"That is a difficult situation...but I wouldn't do anything for now."

"Thank you, professor. Goodnight."

As I was walking back to my room, I couldn't fight crying. The tears were running down my cheeks, I was thinking about Chloé. My Chloé, who's life I destroyed.

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