Chapter 47 : HIS SISTER ?

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I know you guys might have been feeling like to hit me for letting you wait. But trust me I'm not doing this intentionally. I have lectures to attend, assignment and tutorials to complete and seminars to present and on the top of that you know another reason. I am not making any excuse just trying to tell you that I am not less busy than PM 😜

Ok so now enjoy the update

(4075 words as compensation for late update 😁)


Published On : 26/12/2020


I was raging in anger. How dare she to file FIR against me. Doesn't she scared of me anymore ? I had to spend 5 years of my life out of India just because of her. Because of her Dad send me from here. Why ? Because he wanted to keep his reputation high. But I did not care about his reputation that time and not now, just for money I am quite.

Ahhh Adhira .

You did a huge mistake by marrying that Shergill.

How did you even thought that I will let you live happily without me.

I don't want to know what you did all these years, to whom you married and who was the father of your daughter or who is.

Adhira you responsible for what I am today. You are responsible for my condition.

If you could have accepted me then we might have been together. I could have keep you like a queen but you rejected me even after I had you.

I might have been still out of India if I did not get the news of their reception. It was a breaking news in national and international media as well. SHERGILLS the biggest name of buisness world. I must appreciate you Dove, for grabbing sizable fortune. But you see your luck is not going to be by your side for so long because I'm here to turn your luck into bad-luck.

I wonder how it will feel when my hands will roam all over your body. Will it be same like before or much more pleasurable than last time ? Afterall you are all grown up women now.

As I was busy in my thoughts my phone started to ring, seeing the caller ID I picked up in first ring itself.

" What the f**k you did this time Kunal ? Why police are behind you ? I told you already to don't do anything that will stress me. And here again you started with your bad habits ", As I recieved call Dad shout at me. I think planned to make me deaf.

" Well Hello to you too Dad ", I said with a smirk. I knew that it did not took much time for him to learn what happened here as he has so many connections and another reason is police might had went there in search of me.

" Hello ! My foot , just spill it Kunal, what are you doing in Delhi ? I told you not to come back in India then what are you doing here ? ", I know till now he is raging like a bull. Angry old man.

" What I did and what I am doing is non of your buisness to know father. Your duty is only to save me and you should be doing that right now ", I said in same tone like he talked to me.

" How dare you talk to me like that ? ",

" I dare because I know you can't do anything against me, afterall proof of your dark secrets is with me and if it went to media then you know what will happen ", I caught it right place. I have a proof of his illigal business and works he did and it won't take time to destroy his career if it went viral.

" You are blackmailing me ", he asked in disbelief.

" Absolutely not. I'm giving you a direct threat ", I chuckled and felt proud at my bravery.

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