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Leaning her back on the door behind her, Yerin wrapped her arms around her legs, putting her head right on top of it. It's raining ouside, making it even colder. But she didn't mind any of that, her feelings are a wreck right now.

She skipped school today, locking herself inside her room. Her knee hurts from running so fast yesterday, but fortunately it's much better now. Her parents are currently abroad for some business trip and her brothers are out too, leaving her alone in her enormous house. 

In her room where only echoes linger, she wandered around the memories they have together. It's not even a week yet since Chaeyoung passed away, but everything just seemed surreal to her. For the past three years, she waited for her. She waited and waited, but at the end it's not her fate to stay alive in this cold and cruel world.

Closing her eyes, she felt her tears streaming down her pale face, letting out soft sobs. She knew that she would end up like this. Trapped in her own world, trapped in her own black hole. Even if she tried to distract herself, it's all useless- as if there's no solution or answer to this mess, this chaos. 

She's still wearing her jeans and t-shirt, she was supposed to go to Chaeyoung's house today. Her family contacted her and apparently Chaeyoung left some stuffs for her. But she couldn't bring herself to go there, she's still a wreck inside.

She vaguely raise her head upon hearing her ringtone. Wiping the tears on her face with her palms, she stood up, walking towards her bed to grab her phone. 

"Open the door." He said with his usual low voice and his monotone voice. Yerin immediately stood up, wiping the rest of the tears on her face. "W-what?"

"Hurry up and open the door, it's freezing out here."

Yerin hurriedly exited her room, walking towards the front door. As soon as she opened the door, her eyes met a pair of eyes that soothes her the most- his eyes.

He's still wearing his school uniform along with his favorite leather jacket, it looks like he just got back from school. "Jisung? What are you doing here?"

Jisung examined her face, noticing how red her eyes are. He shook his head, "where's your parents?"

"They're not here, why?"

"And your brothers?"

"They're not here too."

Jisung smiled, nodding his head as she grabbed her wrist. "Alright let's go then."

"Wait! It's freezing outside." Yerin pouted, making Jisung roll his eyes playfully. He lets go of her wrist, taking off his leather jacket to put it around her body. "You're always using my jacket. But whatever, let's go,"

Yerin didn't even complain, she just followed him as he drove his car away from her house. She just wanted some company, especially if it's him. 

"You're absent today." He quietly said, still focusing his eyes on the road. 

Yerin just hummed, she's being awfully quiet today and it bothers him. She's usually pestering him every single second but now she's being too quiet. "Where are we going?"

Jisung turned his head towards her, flashing her a small smile. "My favorite place."

She knew exactly where he's going. A place quiet far up in the hills, a place where you can see the clear view of the stars and the entire city, his comfort place. They've been here before, that night when they both ditched the classical music show. She would be lying if she said she doensn't like this place because in fact, she does. She loves it.

Hopping out of the car, Yerin looked up at the sky, feeling a sligtly comforted by it. Looking down at the city lights below them, then to the boy beside her, if it wasn't for him she would've completely lost the source of her happiness. 

"About our English project—" Jisung started but Yerin immediately cut him off.

"Oh my god I forgot about that! The deadline's tomorrow." 

Jisung chuckled at her, shaking his head lightly. "Don't worry, I already finished it."

"You did?" Yerin widened her eyes in disbelief.

Jisung nods, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him. "Although I did ask some help from Mark-hyung, but yeah it's done."

Yerin looked at him in awe, not knowing what to say. He somehow managed to astound her with the little things he did for her. "Thank you."

"No problem. How's your knee?" 

Yerin smiled at him, looking down at her left knee. "It's fine now."

Jisung nods, slowly running out of words to say. Turning his head towards her, their eyes meet, making the heat from her body rushes to her cheeks. "And you? Are you okay?"

Yerin wanted to say no, but she couldn't even bring herself to answer him.

"Nevermind, I know you're not." 

She chuckled, playfully hitting his shoulder. "Dumbass."

"Hey you're back to normal," Jisung joked, making her crack up into a laugh. 

After a few minutes of laughing, they finally stopped, looking into each other's eyes. Bringing his hand towards her face, he wiped the remaining tears on her eyes, "even if it has a sad ending, the show must go on."

He left his hand there, lingering on her face. Her eyes captivate him, making him feel some sort of way. Jeno told him about the letters, how it was her who gave it to him, not Yuna. At first he wondered why would she do that, he felt stupid for not recognizing her writing.

"Jisung," she called.

He hummed, his eyes flickering as she stared into her eyes deeply. Her eyes are shaking and so is her heart as she took a deep breath.

"Thank you, for everything."

His lips curved into a smile, nodding his head as he brought his hand to the top of her head, ruffling her hair softly. "You're welcome, airhead."

Looking at the beautiful lights in front of her, she smiled to herself, finally letting go of the melancholy she kept inside of her. He was right, the show must go on. Unlike those dreadful nights she spent alone, this time she's spending it with him.

The scars you get from other people can only be healed by another people, and in her case it's him. He filled the vacancy inside of her.

come on jisung when r u going to ask her out🤡🤡

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come on jisung when r u going to ask her out🤡🤡

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